Partridge Photo Catalog
Last updated 5 October 2002
Maintenance Update 5 April 2009
New since last update: Added IDs from D'Ann.
If you have pictures, even reprints, of Edward, Lydia, their children, or grandchildren, that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact the webmaster, Ben Parkinson, webmaster.
LDSA - Historical Department Archives, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
USHS - Utah State Historical Society
DUP - International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers
BYU - L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University
UofU - Marriott Library, University of Utah
Edward Partridge- Steel engraving
- Source: Contributor Magazine
- We have: Hi-res color scan of original
Lydia Clisbee- Cabinet card
- Source: Louine Young Cromar
- We have: Hi-res color scan of original
Lydia Clisbee- We have: Poor photocopy only
Eliza Marie Partridge- We have: Poor photocopy only
Eliza Marie Partridge- We have: Scan from Dean Jessee, "'Steadfastness and Patient Endurance': The Legacy of Edward Partridge," Ensign, June 1979, 41 and following
Caroline Ely Partridge- We have: Poor photocopy only
Lydia Partridge- We have: Poor photocopy only
Edward Partridge Jr.- We have: Scan from Dean Jessee, "'Steadfastness and Patient Endurance': The Legacy of Edward Partridge," Ensign, June 1979, 41 and following
EMILY-1 Emily Dow Partridge
- Source: Original carte de visite from D'Anne Keys
- Source: USHS, Mss C 95, Susa Young Gates Photograph Collection, 1852-1932;
photo montage of BY & wives, sepia, Emily about 1 inch tall
- Source: USHS, "Emily Dow Partridge p. 4," 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 b&w reprint
- Source: LDSA, b&w reprint of montage, also photo enlargement of Emily about 4 inches square, very grainy.
- We have: Scan of D'Anne Keys's cdv.
- We have: Scan of Susa Young Gates version from USHS.
EMILY-1b Emily Dow Partridge- Newspaper clipping, apparently a heavily retouched version of Emily-1
- Source: Louine Young Cromar
- We have: 300 dpi scan (that's probably enough, unless we find something more photographic)
EMILY-2 Emily D. P. Young- Source: D'Anne Keys (1 inch b&w thumbnail)
- We have: Hi-res scan from D'Anne Keys's copy
- We need: Scan of original if we can find it.
EMILY-3 Emily D. P. Young- Source: LDSA P 517 3 (Naomi Young Schettler collection)
- We have: Just this photocopy
- We need: 450 dpi scan
EMILY-4 Emily D. P. Young- Source: DUP manuscript library (they have photocopy only)
- We need: Find photo print.
EMILY-5 Emily D. P. Young- Source: Louine Young Cromar (an original cabinet card, excellent condition but with label pasted to cardstock, as here)
- Source: USHS "Emily Dow Partridge, p. 2," 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 b&w reprint
- We have: Hi-res color scan of Louine's original
EMILY-6 Emily D. P. Young
- Source: LDSA PH 69 (S. Dilworth Young collection); cabinet card, excellent condition, strong pink cast
- Source: USHS "Emily Dow Partridge, p. 1," 2x3" b&w reprint
- Source: B&w reprint from D'Anne Keys
- We have: Scan of D'Anne Keys's copy and a b&w thumbnail from S. Dilworth Young
- We need: 450 dpi scan of LDSA copy
EMILY-FAM-1 Emily D. P. Young with Edward and Emily A.- Daguerreotype
- Source: Lulu's daughter Louine Young Cromar gave the original daguerreotype to her granddaughter Rita Cromar Devine. Richard Holzapfel helped Rita donate it to LDSA in about 2000.
- Source: LDSA PH 5407; Rita says they promised family could see this, and Richard says he thinks he can help arrange for us to get a color transparency
- Source: Richard may have a color print--he said he would check
- Source: Ben has good quality b&w reprints from S. Dilworth Young (Louine's brother)
- Source: LDSA PH 69 (S. Dilworth Young collection), 8x10 b&w reprint, not great quality
- Source: LDSA PH 517 1 (Naomi Young Schettler collection) clear b&w reprint
- Source: USHS "Emily Dow Partridge p. 3," 4 1/2 x 3 1/4 b&w reprint (Ben has copies)
- Source: D'Anne Keys b&w reprint about 2x3.
- We have: Scans of various b&w copies (see above)
- We need: Color transparency from LDSA
EMILY-FAM-2 Emily D. P. Young with Joseph Don Carlos family (Alice Dowden Young and children)- Source: LDSA PH 5420 (b&w reprint)
- We have: Just this photocopy
BY-WIVES-1 "Leading Women of Zion" Zina, D. H. Young, Bathsheba W. Smith, Emily P. Young, Eliza R. Snow- Source: LDSA PH 893, 8 1/2 x 7 inches (or 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 w/o frame), b&w reprint
- Source: LDSA PH 4033, 8x10" painted photograph, b&w reprint (reprint doesn't look as good as PH 893)
- Source: LDSA PH 517 (Naomi Young Schlettler collection), b&w reprint
- Source: USHS "Group Biography p. 28," cropped version of LDSA PH 893, b&w reprint
- Source: Bathsheba W. Smith, A Swarm of B's Bringing Blessings [Salt Lake City, Allice Merrill Horne, 1907], 16 pages, General Relief Society Conference Oct. 1906 (probably a half-tone)
- We need: Probably 300 dpi scan of LDSA PH 893, plus 600 dpi scan of Emily.
BY-WIVES-1b Emily D. P. Young Closeup of BY-Wives-1 |
BY-WIVES-2 Brigham Young wives 1899 by Johnson Co SLC Back, L-R: Naamah Carter Young, Lucy B. Young, Amelia Folsom Young. Front: Margaret Pierce Young, Zina D. H. Young, Emily Dow Partridge Young, Harriet Barney Young
- Source: DUP Museum, albumen original maybe 8x10, on display in Brigham Young hall (no copy in photo curator's files)
- Source: BYU, albumen original, P-105 (Mary Firmage Collection)
- Library of Congress
- We have: Hi-res b&w scan from Library of Congress (10x13" at 300 dpi)
- We have: 600 color dpi scan from BYU
BY-WIVES-2b Emily D. P. Young Closeup of BY-Wives-2 - Our scan lets us make photographic prints 4x6 inches about this close.
BY-WIVES-3 Brigham Young wives and daughters- Source: DUP Museum, albumen original maybe 12x15, on display in Brigham Young hall; photo curator has negative of the whole thing plus good closeup of Emily
- Source: Ogden DUP has similar print in main hall
- We have: This photocopy only
- We need: To find an original from which we can get a color scan.
BY-WIVES-3b Emily D. P. Young- Source: DUP Museum photo curator had a negative made of BY-Wives-3, about like this.
- We need: Probably nothing. We can make prints as good from the scans we have.
BY-WIVES-4 Brigham Young wives about 1898 Nov 1898, funeral of Harriet Cook. Front L-R: Zina D. Huntginton, Eliza Burgess Back: Margaret Pierce, Harriet Amelia Folsom, Emily Dow Partridge, Harriet Barney, Naamah K.J. Carter- Source: LDSA PH 910
- We have: Just this photocopy
Emily Augusta and Edward P. Young- Source: Louine Cromar (color photocopy only)
- Source: LDSA PH 517 2 (Naomi Young Schettler collection), nice b&w reprint
- We have: Scan of Louine's color photocopy only
- We need: Scan of LDSA PH 517?
- We need: Firm up IDs
BIG-10-BYU Brigham Young daughters - the "Big Ten" Back, L-R: Zina (Card), Evie (Davis), Jeanette (Easton), Mary (Croxall), Maria (Dougal) Front: Rinda (Conrad), Caroline (Cannon), Ellie (Empey), Emily A. (Clawson), Fanny (Thatcher).
BY-DTRS-2 Brigham Young daughters Thomas Odell, Logan Emily A. is middle row, second from left. - Source: Original from BYU, P-105 Mary Firmage Collection
- We have: Hi-res scan
- We need: IDs on the other daughters
Brigham Young Family Members
Home of Phoebe Beatie Back, L-R: Mrs. Hyde Young, Mrs. Willard Young, Mrs. Mahonri Young, Mrs. Nelson Empey, Mame Croxall Young Middle: Emily Y. Clawson, Maria Y. Dougal, Zina D. H. Young, Zina Young Card, Eva Y. Davis, Caroline C. Cannon Front: Josephine Young, Mrs. Len Hardy, Susa Y. Gates, Phebe Y. Beatie, Myra Rossiter, Hattie Y. Cannon - Source: Original from BYU, P-105 Mary Firmage Collection
- We have: Hi-res scan
Brigham Young Family Members
Second from left thought to be Caroline Young Cannon - Source:BYU, P-105 Mary Firmage Collection
- We have: Hi-res b&w scan
- We need: IDs
- LDSA PH 517 (Naomi Young Schettler collection) fd. 5-12 have pictures of Joseph Don Carlos Young family. Fd.13 has picture of Brigham Young's kids in old age, including Emily A. and Don Carlos but excluding Carlie.
- D'Ann has additional shots of the family of Carlie and George Q. Cannon.
If you have pictures, even reprints, of Edward, Lydia, their children, or grandchildren, that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact the webmaster, Ben Parkinson, webmaster.
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