Emily wrote the following on a paper napkin on June 26, 1895


We are here today, not only to do honor to the name of George A. Smith, but to honor his person.  Her inherited an honorable name at his birth from his ancestors, and his course in life was such to add brightness to its already luster.  The name of “George A” he has made what it is.  I never hear the name, or see it in print, but I can see the man, and it is always associated with goodness and greatness.


He was always pleasant and agreeable to visitors, always saying something witty, calculated to keep up a person’s spirits, but never anything but what was perfectly proper.  He was noted for short sermons and short prayers and in short he was a great and noble spirit, and his acts through his whole life are worthy of imitation.  And may his posterity always remember to take that course that will never tarnish or sully the name that he has bequeathed to them.  It is a legacy not to be despised.  Always remember with love and reverence the name of George A. Smith.




Copied from a napkin is an account of George A. Smith Family Reunion held June 26, 1895 by Emily D. P. Young Smith


I attended the family reunion of President George A. Smith in the 17th Ward meeting house, 3 o'clock p.m.  It was a part representation of one of the families of the pioneers of this church.  President George A. Smith was one of the favored men who were reserved until the present day to be an instrument, in connection with some of the most noble spirits, to lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God upon the earth in the last days.  I was personally acquainted with him and can honestly say that he was, and is, worthy of all the honor that has been conferred upon him this day by his descendants.  His family are beautiful to look upon.  And intelligence and refinement beam from their countenances and if he was there (and I have no doubt that he was) he would look with satisfaction upon his numerous posterity.  And while we honor the head, what shall we say of his wives.  Would it have been possible for him to have accomplished all that he did, if he had not had good and noble women by his side.  Are they not worthy to share honor with him?  Most assuredly they are.


The 26th of June has been passed with pleasure to family and friends.  But how often does sadness follow close upon the heels of pleasure.  Tomorrow, the 27th of June, is the 51st anniversary of the saddest day known in the history of the church. And time can never erase from the memory of those who were in Nauvoo, and associated with the Prophet Joseph and his brother, Hyrum, when the awful word was brought from Carthage, of the martyrdom of those two noble men.  The sad news was like a thunder-bold, crushing the people into the dust.  Fifty-one years have passed.  But the awful deed is fresh in our memory.  And tears fill our eyes when we suffer ourselves to think of the day; the 27th of June 1844.