Fragments of Thoughts
by Emily D. P. Young
Salt Lake City
Feb. 6th 1899
The days they come, and the days they go
And time waits neither for you or me.
And when our allotment of days are spent
Oh! where and what will our destiny be?
We sometime brood over mysteries deep
And lose ourselves in a misty cloud
And think we hear a whisper faint
So faint that it seems but the shadow of hope
Cheering our souls and urging us on, to
The life that awaits us in the Great Beyond.
Still we linger and often pray
That God will spare us for many a day.
But the years roll on like the waves of the sea
Bearing us onward to a happier clime
To dwell with our God in His Heavenly Home
Oh! That is what will—Our destiny be.
But we must not falter or go astray
But serve the Lord and ever pray
That He will guide us safely through
To home and friends, and life anew
March 22nd 1899