Autobiography of Emily D. P. Young
Woman’s Exponent, 1884–85
Note: This transcript is very
rough and needs proofreading.
[Vol. 13, No. 13 (1 Dec. 1884), pp. 102–3]
The following sketch of the life of one of our faithful sisters, told in her own plain unvarnished style, will be doubly interesting to our readers because of the graphic manner in which she described the most thrilling and pathetic incidents that have ever transpired in the history of the Latter-day Saints. We commend and recommend it to our readers as one of the most interesting pen pictures we have ever read:
I was born in the town of Painsville, Geauga Co., Ohio, on the 28th of February, 1824; am the third daughter of Lydia Clisbee and Edward Partridge. My parents were born in the state of Massachusetts, and immigrated, while young, to the State of Ohio, and there became acquainted and married. My father was a hatter, and y industry and perseverance had accumulated considerable property and provided a comfortable home for his family, which were seven in number when we moved from that place. Although I was quite young when we left Ohio (being about seven years old), I remember a very pleasant home, such as I have not had since.
In the fall of 1830 four men came to my father’s house having the Book of Mormon; they claimed to have the Gospel which had been restored again in the last days. Father told them he thought they were imposters; then Elder Cowdery, who was one of the four men (the others were P. P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer and Ziba Peterson), said he was thankful that there was a God in heaven who knew the hearts of all men.
What they said must have made considerable impression upon father’s mind, for as soon as they were gone he sent right away after them and bought a Book of Mormon. My mother believed more readily and was baptized by Parley P. Pratt. Father concluded to take a trip to New York and see the Prophet for himself The following is what Brother Joseph says of him in his history:
“It was in Dec., 1830, that Elder Sidney Rigdon, a sketch of whose history I have before mentioned, came to inquire of the Lord, and with him came that man (of whom I will hereafter speak more fully), named Edward Partridge; he was a pattern of piety, and one of the Lord’s great men, known by his steadfastness and patient endurance to the end.”
The prophet baptized him in the Seneca Lake on the 11th of Dec., 1830. He then went to visit his relatives who resided in Pittsfield, Mass., anxious that they should hear the joyful tidings that so filled his heart with gladness. He thought they had only to hear to believe, but oh, how disappointed he was when they not only rejected his message, but him also. They said he was crazy, and one of his sisters, Mrs. Emily Dow, ordered him out of her house and said she never wanted to see him again. The shameful treatment of his friends was so unexpected and uncalled for that it weighed heavily upon his mind, but served to strengthen him in the faith of the religion he had espoused.
What a bitter spirit lays hold of the unbeliever as soon as the truth is presented to them; and those who profess the most religion are the most uncharitable. When father returned to New York, his parents sent his youngest brother, James Harvey Partridge, to accompany him, they thinking him deranged and not capable of taking care of himself. But this brother, after he arrived in Painsville, received the Gospel and was baptized. From New York to his home father traveled in company with the Prophet, who was moving his family to Kirtland, which place had been appointed for the gathering of the Saints. Father arrived home in the early part of Feb., 1831.
After his return, his old and most intimate friends who had been anxious for him to go and find out the truth of the reports about the Book of Mormon because of their confidence in his honesty and superior judgment, pronounced him crazy, as his relatives had done before when he declared to them that Mormonism was true.
The Saints began to gather to Kirtland from all parts of the country where the Gospel had been preached; and as we lived about three miles from the boat landing, our houses made a good stopping place for the Saints, and we had more or less of them stopping there from that time on while we remained in Ohio. After my parents had joined the Church they were seized with the spirit of gathering, as every body is as soon as they are baptized. They bought a place in Kirtland, but they never had the privilege of living there. Father was called by revelation and ordained a Bishop on the 4th of Feb., 1831. In July following he was chosen, with several other brethren, to accompany Brother Joseph on his journey to the land of Missouri. They reached Independence, Jackson Co., about the middle of July. Mother felt that her trials had commenced when father was called to leave her at that time. Her children were just recovering from the measles, which disease had been brought there by some of the Saints who were journeying to Kirtland, and her eldest child was very sick with the lung fever. It was a new thing for her to be left alone in the hour of trouble, or to have any responsibility outside of her family or household affairs. But she was one of the “staunch and true,” and knew it would not do to put the “hand to the plow” and then turn back. She could acknowledge the hand of the Lord in her afflictions as well as her blessings.
After the brethren had located Zion and transacted other necessary business, the most of them returned to Kirtland, leaving my father in the land of Zion, as he had been appointed by revelation to labor in that place, take up his residence there and send for his family. I think it was something of a trial for him to be left there, he wrote to mother expressing great anxiety about her and the children. It seemed to him a very great undertaking for mother to break up her home and prepare for such a journey without a husband to advise and make the necessary arrangements for her. In those days the Saints were inexperienced in such things; and I think if father could have looked forward into the future and beheld what his family would have to pass through for the Gospel’s sake, he would have been still more anxious about them. But the Lord in mercy withholds the future from our gaze, or that portion that would cause us unhappiness, and gives us strength to bear the reality when it comes, even that which we could not bear in anticipation. Father felt that he had a very great responsibility resting upon him, and his own words that he wrote from Independence on the 5th of August, 1831, to mother, who was still living in Painsville, will better express his feelings than any language of mine could possibly do. He says:
“I have a great desire to return to Painsville this fall, but must not; you know I stand in an important station; and as I am occasionally chastened, I sometimes feel as though I must fall, not to give up the cause, but fear my station is above what I can perform to the acceptance of my Heavenly Father.”—
Father’s business was left in the hands of his agent, and his property, what was sold at all, was sold at a very great sacrifice. His course in joining the Mormon Church and sacrificing his property, caused his friends in that place to marvel, and their verdict was as that of his other friends had been before, that he was insane.
They could not see what there was in religion to make a man give up all worldly considerations for it, and that is still a mystery to the world. And we cannot wonder at it when we consider how little they have in their belief to create hope or exchange their bodily comfort for. But ours is different; it is everything. There is nothing too dear to sacrifice for the hope that our religion gives us. One of my uncles wrote to father as follows: “You say the world with all its pomp and show looks very small in your eyes; I have every reason to believe it, from the manner of disposing of your property, particularly your farm, which I learn you have received a fifteen-year-old horse for.”
It was in the fall of 1831, or the spring of ’32, that mother started with her family for Jackson Co., Missouri, in a company of Saints under the direction of W. W. Phelps and A. S. Gilbert. Mother must have had a great deal to try her on the journey that we, as children, [p.103] knew nothing about. We went in a keel boat as far as Cincinnati, then we took a steamboat up the Missouri river.
Once when the boat stopped at a landing, a young woman belonging to our company fell from the plank into the river, but was soon rescued by the sailors. I think her name was Electa Chamberlain. When we were within about one hundred miles of our destination we met the ice coming down the river so fast that we could not proceed and we were obliged to land at a place called Arrow Rock; a family of negroes let mother and Sister Morley have one room in their log cabin; Brother Morley was with father in Missouri, and his family was traveling in the same company that we were. There was no window in the room, a common thing in that country; the people generally receiving their light through the open door. But we had a large fireplace, and with a good fire we could be quite comfortable. Both families together numbered about fourteen persons. We remained here several days, it being cold weather most of the time. I do not know what had become of the rest of the company, but as far as I I can remember, we were alone.
As soon as circumstances would permit, Sister Morley and mother procured a Kentucky wagon and the two families, with their effects, were stowed into it, and we again started for Independence. The weather was very cold—so cold that we had to stop and lay by again one day, and that day father and Brother Morley met us and we were more than glad to see them, for our journey thus far had not been very pleasant. But what suffering and privations my mother had to endure she never complained or murmured, but rejoiced that she was counted worthy to endure tribulations for the Gospel sake. She felt that she had enlisted in a good cause, and looked forward to the happy time that had been promised to the faithful Saints; and her religion compensated her for all the hardships she had to endure. And Aunt Lucy Morley, as we used to call her, was one of the most patient women I ever knew. She was truly a choice woman. Well, after one day’s rest we boarded our Kentucky wagon and continued our journey towards Independence.
When we arrived at our destination we were so jammed and packed in the wagon by the load slipping that we could hardly pull ourselves out. I remember that when I made an effort to get out I could not until some of the load was removed.
Father had rented a log room of a Mr. Boggs, I think it was the same that was afterwards Governor of Missouri; so we had a place to go to and were glad to get to the end of our journey and be again at home. Although we did not have much of a house to live in, we knew this was Zion and would be our future home. I can well imagine the feelings of our parents when they first set their feet upon that land; the rejoicing in their hearts as they bowed in thankfulness before the Lord for His mercies in bringing them to that holy place, where the Zion of our God was to be built in the last days.
Father being Bishop he had the poor to look after and provide for their wants. Houses to rent being scarce and money and means more so, it seemed necessary that father should take a widow and four children into the one room where we were living to pass the winter. Now don’t think that we were crowded or that the children quarreled, perhaps they did, though I don’t remember. As soon as father could build, he moved his family into his own house.
About the first thing the Saints did after providing shelter for their families, was to start a school for their children. The first school I remember attending was in a log cabin in Jackson Co. The school was taught by Miss Nancy Carl, a young woman belonging to our Church. Our house was near the Temple lot, about half a mile from the public square in Independence. Indians and negroes were plentiful in this western country, and everything was so different from what we were used to seeing. The people were different in their customs and manner of speaking. It was, “I reckon,” and “a right smart chance,” and instead of carrying things in their hands they would “toat” them on their heads. Large bundles and baskets, churns, tubs and piggins of water or milk, all “toated” on their heads. Little children were “toated” straddle of one hip. In warm weather women went barefoot, and little boys from two to ten years old were running the streets with nothing on but a tow shirt. Everything seemed to be after the backwoods style. The brethren began to build houses and gather around them the comforts of life. In building houses they would have “raisings,” after the logs were prepared the brethren would all turn out and lay them up.
“We read in the Prophet Joseph’s history of one in Kaw township, where he helped the Coleville Branch raise their first house; the logs being carried by twelve men in honor of the twelve tribes of Israel. Some of the houses were very neat, the logs being hewn on both sides and the corners sawed smooth, and for a log house they looked quite respectable. I had now got to be eight years old and was baptized in a large creek not far from Independence by Elder John Corrill.
To be Continued.
[Vol. 13, No. 14 (15 Dec. 1884), pp. 105–6]
I think it was in 1832 that the citizens of Jackson County began to show dissatisfaction and make some threats in regard to the Mormons, but made no demonstration of wickedness until 1833, when they began to gather in small parties and commit depredations by night [p. 106] by breaking windows and shooting onto the houses of the Saints, and sometimes using abusive language to our people. I remember the mob set fire to a large haystack belonging to father; it was but a short distance from our house, and it made a tremendous blaze. In this manner the mob kept annoying the Saints. They were often holding meetings and forming resolutions to drive or destroy the Mormons, and as they said in one of their preambles; “Peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must.” There was considerable excitement at times, the Saints not knowing what the mob might be led to do.
The brethren in the vicinity where we lived would gather with their guns, at night, into the lower room of our house, that they might be ready for any emergency. Sometimes the women would come and spend the night with mother, being afraid to remain at home, because of the treats of the mob. The women and children occupied the room upstairs, while the men stood guard below. Twice guns went off accidentally; once the ball went up through the floor and through the head of the bed, but as the family had not retired, nobody was hurt. I remember hearing the brethren pray all together; not as one man, but as many. They did not then understand the order of prayer as we do now.
Children had heard so much about the mob that the very word was a perfect terror to them. They would often cry out in their sleep, “The mob is coming! the mob is coming!”
When mother’s youngest child was about three weeks old she sent me, with my sister Harriet, to the spring, a short distance from the house, when we looked back and saw about fifty of the mob surrounding the house. We stood and looked at them until they rode away, then we went up to the house again. The mob had taken father with them. George Simpson and another of the mob entered the house and took father by the arm and led him away, he making no resistance. I think he was expecting something of this kind, as they had made a good many threats.
They took him to Independence Square, but we did not know what they were going to do with him; it might be kill him, as they had so often threatened to do. After they had been gone a while, I stood at the window looking in the direction they had gone, wondering what the mob were doing with father, for we could hear their yells and shouts, when I saw two men coming toward the house. One I knew—a young man by the name of Albert Jackson—he was carrying in his hand a hat, coat and vest. The other I thought was an Indian, and as they seemed to be coming right to the house I was frightened and ran upstairs; but when they came in it was our dear father, who had been tarred and feathered, which gave him the appearance of an Indian. The mob had done their work well, for he was covered from head to foot. I suppose there were hundreds, and perhaps thousands, who witnessed the outrage. One woman who witnessed the scene said there was a bright light encircled father’s head while he was being tarred and feathered. The same day, I think, Gilbert’ store was broken open, and the goods scattered in the streets. The printing office was also demolished, and the press, type and papers scattered over the ground. Bro. Phelps’ family lived in a part of the building; they were turned out of doors and their furniture broke and thing scattered in the yard.
While the destruction of the printing office was going on two young girls, nieces of Elder Gilbert, had run out of the house and hid in the corner of the fence, and were watching the mob in their operations, when they saw them bring out a table piled with papers, and heard them say, “Here are the revelations of the d—d Mormons.” They watched their opportunity, when the mob returned to the house, then they ran and gathered up as many of the papers as they could hold in their arms and ran into a cornfield and hid. The mob discovered them running with the papers and followed them, but could not find them. The cornfields in Missouri are very large, and the cornstalks grow so high that they are almost like young forests, and it is an easy matter for a person to get lost in one of them. These two girls had run so far that they were lost; but after a while they succeeded in finding their way out. They went to an old shanty, where they found the family of Bro. Phelps trying to make themselves as comfortable as they could in their new quarters. Sister Phelps took the revelations and hid them in her bed, and this is how some of the revelations were preserved. The names of these girls were Mary E. and Caroline Rollins. I remember many of the circumstances that transpired at that time, but was too young then to be able to remember the particulars well enough to tell them; consequently I will take some sxtracts from the Prophet Joseph’s History, as that gives the situation of things at that time better than I can do it.
He says: “On the 20th of July the mob collected and demanded the discontinuance of the printing in Jackson Co., a closing of the store, and a cessation of all mechanical labors. The brethren refused compliance, and the consequence was that the house of W. W. Phelps, which contained the printing establishment, was thrown down, the materials taken possession of by the mob, many papers destroyed, and the family and furniture thrown out of doors. They then proceeded to violence towards Edward Partridge, the Bishop of the Church, as he relates in his autobiography: ‘I was taken from my house by a mob—George Simpson being their leader—who escorted me about half a mile, to the court house on the public square in Independence, and then and there, a few rods from said court house, surrounded by hundreds of the mob, I was stripped of my hat, coat and vest, and daubed with tar from head to foot and then had a quantity of feathers put upon me; and all this, because I would not agree to leave the country, my home, where I had lived two years. Before tarring and feathering me, I was permitted to speak. I told them that the Saints had had to suffer persecution in all ages of the world, that I had done nothing which ought to offend any one; that if they abused me they would abuse an innocent person; that I was willing to suffer for the sake of Christ, but, to leave the country I was not then willing to consent to it.
“By this time the multitude made so much noise that I could not be heard. Some were cursing and swearing, saying, call upon your Jesus etc., others were equally noisy in trying to still the rest that they might be enabled to hear what I was saying.
To be Continued
[Vol. 13, No. 15 (1 Jan. 1885), p. 114]
“Until after I had spoken I knew not what they intended to do with me, whether to kill me, or to whip me, or what else, I knew not. I bore my abuse with so much resignation and meekness, that it appeared to astound the multitude, who permitted me to retire in silence; many looking very solemn, their sympathies having been touched, as I thought. And as to myself, I was so filled with the Spirit and love of God that I had no hatred toward my persecutors, or any one else.”
After father had been tarred and feathered, a man raised a whip to finish up by thrashing him, when another, more humane, laid hold of his arm saying he had done enough.
“Charles Allen was next stripped and tarred and feathered, because he would not agree to leave the country or deny the Book of Mormon. Others were brought up to be served the same way, or whipped, but from some cause the mob ceased operations and adjourned until Tuesday, 23rd; Elder Gilbert, the keeper of the store, agreed to close that; and that may have been the reason why the work of destruction was suddenly stopped for two days. In the course of this day’s wicked, outrageous and unlawful proceedings many solemn realities of human degradation, as well as thrilling incidents, were presented to the Saints. An armed and well organized mob in a government professing to be governed by law, with the Lieutenant Governor, (Lilburn W. Boggs), the second officer in the State, calmly looking on and secretly aiding every movement, saying to the Saints, “You now know what our Jackson boys can do, and you must leave the country, etc.” And when Bishop Partridge, who was without guile, and Elders Charles Allen walked off amid the horrid yells of an infuriated mob, coated like some unnamed, unknown biped; and one of the sisters cried aloud, “While you, who have done this wicked deed, must suffer the vengeance of God, they, having endured persecution, can rejoice, for henceforth for them is laid up a crown, eternal in the heavens.” Surely there was a time of awful reflection, that man, unrestrained like the brute beast, may torment the body; but God in return will punish the soul.”
The history continues, “After the mob had ceased yelling and retired, and while evening was spreading her dark mantle over the unblushing scenery, as if to hide it from the gaze of day, men, women, and children, who had been driven or frightened from their homes by the yells and threats of the mob, began to return from their hiding places in thickets, cornfields, woods, and groves, and view with heavy hearts the scene of desolation and woe. And while they mourned over fallen man, they rejoiced with joy unspeakable that they were accounted worthy to suffer in the glorious cause of their Divine Maker.”
“There lay the printing office a heap of ruins, Elder Phelps’ furniture strewed over the ground as common plunder, the revelations, book works, papers, and press in the hands of the mob as the booty of highway robbers. There was Bishop Partridge in the midst of his family, with a few friends, endeavoring to scrape off the tar, which, from the way it ate his flesh, seemed to have been prepared with lime, pearlash, acid, or some flesh-eating commodity to destroy him. And there was Charles Allen in the same awful condition.”
As the heart sickens at the recital, how much more at the picture! More than once these people in the boasted land of liberty were brought into jeopardy, or threatened with expulsion or death because they wished to worship god according to the revelations of heaven, the Constitution of their country and the dictates of their conscience. O Liberty! how thou art fallen! Alas! Clergymen, where is thy charity? In the smoke that ascendeth forever and ever.
Early in the morning of the 23rd of July the mob again assembled, armed with weapons of war, and bearing a red flag, whereupon the Elders, led by the Spirit of God, and in order to save lives and stop the effusion of blood, entered into a treaty with the mobbers to leave the county in a certain time, etc. The execution of this treaty prevented an opportunity for the brethren in Zion to confer with the Presidency in Kirtland concerning their intention, which they improved by despatching Elder O. Cowdery a special messenger after a delay of three days. After word had been received from Kirtland the brethren began to write letters and petitions the Governor of Missouri to look into their grievances and vindicate their cause.
Communication between Zion and Kirtland was uncertain, as the mob intercepted the letters sent back and forth. Lawyers Wood, Rose, Doniphan and Atchison were secured by the brethren giving their note of one thousand dollars. This so enraged the mob that no sooner had the news spread among them than they began to congregate and prepare for battle. Father and some other of the brethren offered themselves a ransom for the Church, willing to be scourged or die fi that would appease their anger toward the Church. But the mob assured them that every man, woman and child would be whipped and scourged in some way until the Mormons were driven from the county, or die if they remained.
“Tuesday night, the 31st of October, gave the Saints in Zion abundant proof that no pledge, written or verbal, was longer to be regarded; for on that night between forty and fifty, many of whom were armed with guns, proceeded against a branch of the Church west of Big Blue, and unroofed and partly demolished ten dwelling houses; and in the midst of shrieks and screams of women and children, whipped and beat in a savage and brutal manner several of the men; and with their horrid threats frightened women and children into the wilderness. Such of the men as could escape fled for their lives, for very few of them had arms, neither were they embodied, and they were threatened with death if they made any resistance. Such, therefore, that could not escape by flight received a pelting by rocks and a beating with guns and sticks, etc.”
“On Friday, the 1st of Nov., women and children rallied forth from their gloom retreat to contemplate with heart-rending anguish the ravages of a ruthless mob in the mangled bodies of their husbands, and in the destruction of some of their houses and furniture, Houseless and unprotected by the arm of the civil law in Jackson Co., with the dreary month of November staring them in the face, and loudly proclaiming an inclement season at hand. The continued threats of the mob that they would drive out every Mormon from the county, and the inability of many to remove because of their poverty, caused an anguish of heart indescribable.”
[Vol. 13, No. 16 (15 Jan. 1885), p. 122]
“On Friday night, November 1st, a party of the mob proceeded to attack a branch of the Church at the prairie, about twelve or fifteen miles from the village. Tow of their number were sent in advance as spies, namely, Robert Johnson and one Harris, arrived with two guns and three pistols. They were discovered by some of the Saints, and without the least injury being done them, said Johnson struck P. P. Pratt with the breach of his gun over the head; after which they were taken and detained till morning, which, it was believed, prevented a general attack of the mob that night. In the morning they were liberated without receiving the least injury. The same night another party in Independence commenced stoning houses, breaking down doors and windows, and destroying furniture, etc. This night the brick part of the dwelling house of A. S. Gilbert was partly pulled down and the windows of his dwelling broken in with brickbats and rocks, while a gentleman stranger lay sick with a fever in his house. The same night three doors of the store of Messrs. Gilbert & Whitney were split open; and after midnight the goods lay scattered in the street, such as calicoes, handkerchiefs, shawls, cambrics, etc.
“An express from the village after midnight to a party of their men who had embodied about a half a mile from the village for the safety of their lives, stating that a mob was tearing down houses and scattering the goods of the store in the streets. The main body of the mob fled at the appearance of this company. (I think this company were the men who had gathered at our house that I mentioned before.” The same night some of the houses had long poles thrust through the shutters and sashes into the rooms of defenseless women and children, from whence their husbands and fathers had been driven by the dastardly attacks of the mob, which were made by ten, fifteen or twenty men at a time.
“Saturday, Nov. 2nd, all the families of the Saints in the village moved half a mile out, with most of their goods, and embodied to the number of thirty for the preservation of life and personal effects. This night a party from the village met a party from the west of the Blue, a river, and made an attack upon a branch of the Church located at the Blue, about six miles from the village; here they tore the roof from one dwelling and broke open another house and found the owner, David Bennett, sick in bed, whom they beat most inhumanely, swearing they would blow out his brains, they discharged a pistol, the ball of which cut a deep gash across the top of his head. In this skirmish a young man of the mob was shot in the thigh, but by which party remains yet to be determined.
“The next day, Sunday, Nov. 3rd, four of the Church, Joshua Lewis, Hiram Page, and two others, were dispatched for Lexington to see the circuit judge and obtain a peace warrant. Two called on Esq. Silver, who refused to issue one on account, as he declared, of his fears of the mob. This day many of the citizens, professing friendship, advised the Saints to clear from the county as speedily as possible, for Saturday night’s affray had enraged the whole county, and they were determined to come out on Monday and murder indiscriminately; and in short, it was proverbial among the mob, “Monday would be a bloody day.”
“Monday came, and a large party of the mob gathered at the Blue, took the ferry boat belonging to the Church, threatened lives, etc. But they soon abandoned the ferry and went to Wilson’s store about a mile west of the Blue. Word had previously gone to a branch of the Church several miles west of the Blue that the mob was destroying property on the east side of the Blue, and the sufferers there wanted help to preserve their lives and property. Nineteen men volunteered and started for their assistance, but discovering fifty or sixty of the mob had gathered at Wilson’s they turned back. At this time two small boys passed on their way to Wilson’s who gave information to the mobbers that the Mormons were on the road west of them; between forty and fifty immediately started with guns in pursuit. After riding about two or two and a half miles they discovered them, when the company of nineteen immediately dispersed and fled in different directions. The mob hunted for them, turning their horses into a cornfield belonging to the Saints; searching their cornfields and houses, threatening women and children that they would pull down their houses and kill them if they did not tell where the men had fled. Thus they were employed, hunting the men and threatening the women, until a company of thirty of the Saints from the prairie, armed with seventeen guns, made their appearance. The former company of nineteen had dispersed and fled, and but one or two had returned to take part in the subsequent battle.
‘On the approach of the latter company of thirty men, some of the mob cried, “Fire, God d—m you, fire.” Two or three guns were then fired by the mob, which were returned by the other party without loss of time. This company is the same that is represented by the mob as having gone forth in the evening of the battle bearing the olive branch of peace. The mob retreated early after the first fire, leaving their horses in Whitmer’s cornfield; two of their number, Hugh L. Brareal and Thomas Linvill; died on the ground. Thus fell H. L. Brareal, one who had been heard to say, “With ten fellows, I will wade to my knees in blood, but I will drive the Mormons from Jackson Co.” The next morning the corpse of said Brareal was discovered on the battle ground with a gun by his side. Several were wounded on both sides, but none mortally, except one Barber, on the part of the Saints, who expired the next day.
“This battle was fought about sunset, Monday, Nov. 4, and on the same night runners were despatched in every direction under the pretense of calling out the militia; spreading as they went every rumor calculated to alarm and excite the unwary, such as, the Mormons had taken Independence, and the Indians had surrounded it, and they being colleagued together, etc.
* * * * * *
The same evening, Nov. 4, not being satisfied with breaking open the store of Gilbert & Whitney, and demolishing a part of the dwelling of said Gilbert the Friday night previous, they permitted McCarty, who was detected on Friday night as one of the breakers of the store doors, to take out a warrant and arrest the said Gilbert and others of the Church for a pretended assault, and false imprisonment of McCarty. Late in the evening, while the court was in progress with their trial in the court house, a gentleman unconnected with the court, as was believed, perceiving the prisoners to be without counsel and in imminent danger, advised Gilbert and his brethren to go to jail as the only alternative to save life, for the north door was already barred and an infuriated mob thronged the house with a determination to beat and kill; but through the interposition of this gentleman (Samuel C. Owens, Clerk of the County Court, whose name will appear more fully hereafter) said Gilbert and four of his brethren were committed to the county jail of Jackson Co., the cell of which must have been a palace compared with the court room, where dignity and mercy were strangers; naught but the wrath of man in horrid threats stifled the ears of the prisoners.
[Vol. 13. No. 17 (1 Feb. 1885), pp. 129–30]
“The same night the prisoners, Gilbert, Morley and Corrill, were liberated from jail that they might confer with their brethren and try to negotiate some measures for peace, and on their return to jail about two o’clock Tues. morning in the custody of the sheriff, an armed force of six or seven men stood near the jail and hailed them; they were answered by the sheriff, who gave his name and the names of his prisoners, crying, “Don’t fire, don’t fire; the prisoners are in my charge,” etc. They, however, fired one or two guns, when Morley and Corrill retreated, but Gilbert stood, with several guns presented at him, firmly held by the sheriff. Two, more desperate than the rest, attempted to shoot, but one of their guns flashed, and the other missed fire. Gilbert was then knocked down by Thomas Wilson, a grocer in the village. About this time a few of the inhabitants arrived, and Gilbert entered jail, from which he, with three of his brethren, were liberated about sunrise, without further prosecution of the trial.
“On the morning of the 5th of Nov. the village began to be crowded with individuals from different parts of the county with guns, etc. And report said the militia had been called out under the sanction or instigation of Lieut. Gov. Boggs; and that one Col. Pitcher had the command. Among this militia (so called) were embodied the most conspicuous characters of the mob; and it may truly be said that the appearance of the ranks of the body was well calculated to excited suspicion of their horrible designs. Very early on the same morning, several branches of the Church received intelligence that a number of their brethren were in prison and the determination of the mob was to kill them; and that the branch of the church near the village of Independence was in imminent danger, as the main body of the mob were gathered at that place. In this critical situation about one hundred of the Saints from different branches volunteered for the protection of their brethren near Independence and proceeded on the road towards Independence and halted about a mile west of the village, where they awaited further information concerning the movements of the mob.
“They soon learned that the prisoners were not massacred, and that the mob had not fallen upon the branch of the church near Independence as was expected. They were also informed that the militia had been called out for their protection, but in this they placed but little confidence, for the body congregated had every appearance of a county mob; which subsequent events fully verified, in a majority of said body. On application to Col. Pitcher, it was found that there was no alternative but for the church to leave the county forthwith, and to deliver into his hands certain men to be tried for murder, said to have been committed by them in the battle the evening before. The arms of the Saints were also demanded by Col. Pitcher. Among the committee appointed to receive the arms of the church were several of the most unrelenting of the July committee, who had directed in the demolish of the printing office, and the personal injuries of that day; namely, Henry Chiles, Abner Staples and Lewis Franklin, who have not ceased to pursue the saints from the first to the last with feelings of the most hostile kind These unexpected requisitions of the Col. made him appear like one standing at the head of civil and military law, taking a stretch beyond the constitutional limits of our Republic.
“Rather than have submitted to these unreasonable requirements the saints would have cheerfully shed their blood in defense of their rights, the liberties of the country and their wives and children; but the fear of violating law in resisting this pretended militia, and the flattering assurances of protection and honorable usage, promised by Lieut. Gov. Boggs, in whom they had reposed confidence up to this period, induced them to submit, believing that he did not tolerate so gross a violation of all law as has been practiced in Jackson Co. But the great change that may appear to some in the views, designs and craft of this man, to rob an innocent people of their arms by stratagem, and leave more than one thousand defenseless men, women and children to be driven from their homes, among strangers in a strange land of, to appearances, barbarians, to seek a shelter from the stormy blasts of winter’s cold embrace, is so glaringly exposed in the sequel that all earth and hell cannot deny that a baser knave, a greater traitor, and a more wholesale butcher or murderer of mankind never went untried, etc.
“The conduct of Col. Lucas and Pitcher had long proven them to be open and avowed enemies. Both of these men had their names attached to the mob circular as early as July, the object of which was to drive the saints from Jackson Co. With assurances from the Lieut. Gov. and others that the object was to disarm the combatants on both sides, and that peace would be the result, the brethren surrendered their arms, to the number of fifty or upwards, and the men present who were accused of being in the battle the evening before gave themselves up for trial. After detaining them one day and night on a pretended trial for murder, in which time they were threatened, brickbatted, etc. Col. Pitcher, after receiving a watch of one of the prisoners to satisfy costs, etc., took them into a cornfield and said to them, “clear.”
surrender of their arms, which were used only in self defense; the
tribes of Indians in times of war, let loose upon the women and
children could
not have appeared more hideous and terrific than did the companies of
who went in various directions, well armed, on foot and on horseback,
into houses without fear, knowing their arms were secured, frightening
distracted women with what they would do to their husbands if they
could catch
them, warning women and children to flee immediately or they would tear
houses down over their heads and massacre them before night. At the
head of one
of these companies appeared the Rev. Isaac McCoy, with a gun upon his
ordering the saints to leave the county [p. 130] forthwith and
surrender what
arms they had. Other pretended preachers of the Gospel took a
conspicuous part
in the persecution, calling the Mormons the common enemy of
mankind, and
exulting in their afflictions.
“On the 6th of Nov. women and children fled into every direction from the merciless mob. One party of about one hundred and fifty women and children fled to the prairie, where they wandered for several days, under the broad canopy of heaven, with about six men to protect them. Other parties fled to the Missouri River, and to lodgings for the night where they could find it. One Mr. Bennett opened his house for a night’s shelter to a wandering company of distressed women and children who were fleeing to the river. During this dispersion of the women and children, parties of the mob were hunting the men, firing upon some, tying up and whipping others, and some they pursued upon horse several miles.”
[Vol. 13, No. 18 (15 Feb. 1885), p. 138]
“On the 5th Elder Phelps, Gilbert and McLellin went to Clay Co. and made an affidavat similar to the foregoing sketch and forwarded the same to the Governor by express; and the Governor immediately upon the reception thereof ordered a court of inquiry to be held in Clay Co. for the purpose of investigating the whole affair, and meting out justice to all: but alas! corruption, wickedness and power have left the wretches unwhipped of justice, and innocence mourns in tears unwiped.
“Thursday, Nov. 7th. The shores began to be lined on both sides of the ferry with men, women and children, goods, wagons, boxes, chests, provisions, etc., while the ferrymen were busily employed in crossing them over. And when night again closed upon the Saints the wilderness had much the appearance of a camp meeting. Hundreds of people were seen in every direction, some in tents, and some in the open air around their fires, while the vain descended in torrents. Husbands were inquiring for their wives and women for their husbands, parents for children and children for parents. Some had the good fortune to escape with their family, household goods, and some provisions while others knew not the fate of their friends and had lost all their goods. The scene was indescribable, and would have melted the heart of any people upon earth, except the blind oppressor and ignorant bigot. Next day the company increased, and they were chiefly engaged in falling small too cottonwood trees and erecting temporary cabins, so that when night came on they had the appearance of a village of wigwams, and the night being clear the occupants began to enjoy some degree of comfort.
“Lieut. Gov. Boggs presented a curious external appearance, yet he was evidently the head and front of the mob; for, as may easily be seen by what follows, no important move was made without his sanction. He certainly was the secret spring of the 20th and 23rd of July, and, as will appear in the sequel, by his authority the mob was moulded into militia to effect by stragem what he knew as well as his hellish host could not be done by legal force. As Lieut. Gov. he had only to wink and the mob went from maltreatment to murder. The horrid calculations of this second Nero were often developed in a way that could not be mistaken.
“Early on the morning of the 5th, say at 1 o’clock a.m., he came to Phelps, Gilbert and Partridge and told them to flee for their lives. Now, unless he had given the order so to do, no one would have attempted to murder after the Church had agreed to go away. His conscience vacillated on its rocky moorings and gave the secret alarm to those men. The Saints who fled took refuge in the neighboring counties, mostly in Clay Co., which received them with some degree of kindness. Those who fled to the county of Van Buren were again driven and compelled to flee, and those who fled to Lafayette Co. were soon expelled or the most of them, and had to move wherever they could find protection.”
It was in Nov., 1833, that my father moved his family into Clay County. We crossed the Missouri River at a ferry not far from Liberty landing. Most of his father’s provisions were left in his cellar, not being able to move it on such short notice. And thus two years of my childhood were spent in Jackson County, Missouri. The brethren cut down small trees and laid them up cob fashion, and when they were five or six feet high they stretched a tent over the top for a roof. And such was my home on the bank of the Missouri River, in the month of November, 1833. I was then in my tenth year.
On the 13th of November, between three and four o’clock in the morning, the camp was aroused from their slumbers to see the beautiful and grand sight of the falling stars. The Saints beheld it with hearts of rejoicing. Being persecuted and cast out from their homes for the sake of their religion, and knowing it to be one of the signs of the last days spoken of by the prophets, it was calculated to cheer and comfort their hearts and strengthen their faith in the gospel, notwithstanding they were in deep affliction. Although I was but a child at the time, I looked upon the scene with delight. The heavens seemed wrapped in splendid fireworks. The appearance was beautiful and grand beyond description.
I think it was several weeks that we were camped on the bank of the river. The weather began to be quite cold—too cold to remain in tents with any degree of comfort. The Saints found homes as best they could, searching out and making habitable all the old shanties and hovels that could be found, endeavoring to keep as near together as possible. Father and Elder John Corrill procured an old log cabin that had been used for a stable and cleaned it up as best they could and moved their families in. There was one large room, and a leanto, but that was not of much use, as the floor was nearly all torn up, and the rats and rattlesnakes were too thick for comfort. There was a large fireplace in the one habitable room, and blankets were hung up a few feet back from the fire and the two families, fifteen or sixteen in number, were gathered inside of those blankets to keep from freezing for the weather was extremely cold, so cold that the ink would freeze in the pen as father sat writing close to the fire. Elder Corrill’s family took one side of the fireplace and we took the other. Our beds were in the back part of the room, which was cold enough for the polar regions.
The next summer the Saints procured a small cabin in a paupau grove for a school and one of our Mormon girls was installed as teacher. And notwithstanding our deplorable circumstances I spent many happy hours with the school children in that beautiful grove at hours of intermission, swinging on the long wild grapevine that hung from the tall trees, or tearing down some of the long and slender ones to jump-the-rope with. We built houses of the branches of the paupau tree, the wood being very brittle we had no difficulty in breaking as many as we wanted. The fruit of the paupau is about as long as the bananas, and about four or five times as large around, with a smooth skin. The inside, when ripe, is a yellow, thick, creamy pulp, with large flat seeds, and to the taste is very sweet; but oh! such a sweet! one taste will generally suffice, nobody wants to taste it twice.
Some of the old citizens of Clay County, sent their children to our school and of course were better dressed than the Mormon children, which caused them to sometimes sneer and make fun of our shabby clothes, but generally we got along very well. The Saints were very poor, and I sometimes wonder how they provided for their families the necessaries of life. My father being bishop made the times much harder for him, for he not only had his family to provide fr, but he had the poor to look after and provide for their comfort also.
I sometimes think that bishops in these days know but little what the office of bishop was in the early days of the Church—in the days of its poverty and inexperience. Sometimes the poor would grumble and complain because there was not more for them. To raise money in those days was almost like wringing water out of a dry sponge.
[Vol. 13, No. 19 (1 Mar. 1885), pp. 145–46]
When I look back and remember the great responsibility that rested upon my father [Edward Partridge] as first bishop—his poverty and privations, and the hardships that he had to endure, the accusations of false brethren, the fault-finding of the poor, and the persecutions of our enemies—I do not wonder at his early death. And when I remember his conversations with my mother, and can now comprehend, in my mature years, his extreme weariness of soul, it brings to my mind a clause of his blessing, which says, “Thou shalt stand in thy office until thou shalt desire to resign it, that thou mayest rest for a little season.”
I think it was the first fall of our stay in Clay County, that a slaughter yard was established on the banks of the river not far from where we lived; thousands of hogs were killed and packed for the market, giving employment to the Saints in that vicinity. The men killing and cutting them up, and the women and children cutting up and trying out the lard, having a share of all they did, and in this way the people were provided with meat and lard, which was a great blessing at that time. I remember of going with mother, and doing what I could to help her, day after day.
While we remained in Clay County the brethren did all they could to regain possession of their homes. They petitioned the governor, employed lawyers, and tried in various ways to gain redress, but all their efforts proved to be of no avail. The Prophet Joseph Smith manifested great anxiety concerning the Saints in Zion. He was constantly writing letters advising them what to do, and sending words of comfort and encouragement. Revelations were given assuring the Saints that the Lord remembered them in their afflictions. A father could not have manifested more love and anxiety if his best beloved son had been in deep trouble, than the Prophet did in regard to the Saints in Missouri and their persecutions.
PROOF HERE] The following are extracts from one of the letters that the
sent to the brethren in Zion: “I would inform you that it is not the
will of the
Lord for you to sell lands in Zion, if mean can possibly be procured
for their
sustenance without. Every exertion should be made to maintain the cause
have espoused, and to contribute to the necessities of one another, as
much as
possible, in this your great calamity, and remember not to murmur at
dealing of God with his creatures. You are not yet brought into as
circumstances as were the ancients prophets and apostles. Call
to mind a
Daniel the three Hebrew children, Jeremiah, Paul, Stephen, and many
more too
numerous to mention, who were stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slain with
sword, and wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute,
afflicted, tormented, of whom the world were not worthy. They wandered
deserts and in mountains, and in dens, and in caves of the earth; yet
their afflictions they rejoiced that they were? yet they all
obtained a
good report through faith; And amidst all their afflictions they
rejoiced that
they were counted worthy to receive persecution for Christ’s sake. We
know not
what we shall be called to pass through before Zion is delivered and
established therefore, we have great need to live near to God, and
always be in
-----? strict obedience to all his commandments, that we may have a
void of offense towards God and man. It is your privilege to use every
means in
your power to seek redress for your grievances of your enemies, and
them to the extent of the law; but it will be impossible for us to
render you
any assistance in a Temporal point of view, as our means are already
and we are deeply in debt and know of no means where by we shall be
able to
extricate ourselves. The inhabitants of this county threaten our
and we know not how soon they may be permitted to follow the example of
Missourians. We learn by Elder Phelps, that the brethren have
surrendered their
arms to the enemy, and are fleeing across the river. If that is the
case, it is
not meet that they should recommence hostilities with them; but if not,
should maintain the ground as long as there is a man left, as the spot
ground upon which you were located, is the place appointed of the Lord
for your
inheritances, and it was right in the sight of God that you contend for
it to
the last.
“You will recollect that the Lord has said that Zion should not be removed out of her place; therefore, the land should not be sold, but be held by the saints until the Lord in his wisdom opens the way for your return and until that time, if you can purchase a tract of land in Clay Co. for the present emergencies, it is right you should do so, if you can do it, and not sell your lands in Jackson Co. It is not safe for us to send a written revelation on the subject, but what is written above is according to wisdom, ------------
The foregoing letter was written at Kirtland, on the 5th of Dec. 1833 to Bishop Partridge, directed to Liberty, Clay County, Missouri. A letter was also written dated Kirtland Mills, Ohio Dec. 10th 1833.
“Beloved brethren; E Partridge, W. W. Phelps, J. Corrill, I. Morley, and all the saints whom it may concern: This morning mail brought Bishop Partridges, and Elder Corvilles and Phelps letter, all mailed at Liberty, Nov. 19th which gave us the melancholy intelligence of your flight from the land of your inheritance, having been driven before the face of your enemies in that place. From previous letters we learned that a number of our brethren had been slain, but we could not learn from those refered to above, as there had been but one, and that was Br. Barber, and Br. Dibble was wounded in the bowels. We were thankful to learn that no more had been slain, and our daily prayers are that the Lord will not suffer his saints, who have gone up to his land to keep his commandments, to stain by his holy mountain with their blood. I cannot learn from any communication by the spirit to me, that Zion has forfeited her claim to a celestial crown, notwithstanding the Lord has caused her to be thus afflicted, except it may be some individuals, who have walked in disobedience and forsaken the new covenant; all such will be made manifest by their works in due time.
have always
expected that Zion would have to suffer some affliction, from
what I
could learn from the commandments which have been given. But I would
remind you
of a clause in one which says, that after much tribulation cometh the
By this, and also others, and also one received of late, I know that
Zion, in
the own due time of the Lord, will be redeemed; but how many will be
the days
of her purification, tribulation, and affliction, the Lord has kept hid
from my
eyes; and when I enquire concerning this subject, the voice of the Lord
is, be
still, and know that I am God! All those who suffer for my name shall
with me, and he that layeth down his life for my sake shall find it
“Now, there are two things of which I am ignorant, and the Lord will not shew them unto me, perhaps for a wise purpose in himself; I mean in some respects; and they are these, why God has suffered so great a calamity to come upon Zion; and what the great moving cause of this great affliction is: And again, by what means he will return her back to her inheritance with songs of everlasting joy upon her head. These two things, brethren are in part kept back that they are not plainly manifest, in consequence of those who have incurred the displeasure of the Almighty.
“When I contemplate upon all things that have been manifested, I am sensible that I ought not murmur only in this, that those who are innocent are compelled to suffer for the iniquities of the guilty; and I cannot account for this, only on this wise, that the saying of the Savior has not been strictly observed “If they right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee; or if thy right arm offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee.” Now the fact is, if any of the members of our body are disordered, the rest of our body will be affected with them, and then all is brought into bondage together, and yet, notwithstanding all this, when I know that you, my brethren, with whom I have had so many happy hours, sitting as it were heavenly places in Christ Jesus; and also having the witness which I feel, and ever have felt of the purity of your natures, are cast out, and are as strangers and pilgrims on the earth, exposed to hunger, cold, nakedness, peril, sword, etc. I say when I contemplate this, it is with difficulty that I can keep from complaining and murmuring against this dispensation; but I am sensible that this is not right, and may God grant, that notwithstanding your great afflictions and sufferings, there may not anything separate us from the love of Christ.
“Brethren, when we learn your sufferings it awakens every sympathy of our hearts, it weighs us down; we cannot refrain from tears, yet, we are not able to realize only in part, your suffering: And I often hear the brethren saying, they wish they were with you, that they might bear part of your sufferings: And I myself should have been with you, had not God prevented it in the order of his providence; that the yoke of affliction might be less grievous upon you; God having forewarned one, concerning these things, for your sakes; and also, Elder Cowdery could not have lightened your afflictions by tarrying longer with you, for his presence would have so much the more enraged your enemies; God hath dealt mercifully with us.
“O brethren let us be thankful that it is as well with us as it is, and we are yet alive, that peradventure, God hath laid up in store great good for us in this generation, and grant that we may yet glorify His name.”
[Vol. 13, No. 20 (15 Mar. 1885), p. 154]
pray God in
the name of Jesus that you all may be kept in the faith unto the end:
let your
sufferings be what they may, it is better in the eyes of God, that you
die, than that you should give up the land of Zion, the inheritance
which you
have purchased with your monies; for every man that giveth not up his
inheritance though he should die, yet, when the Lord shall come, he
shall stand
upon it, and with Job in his flesh he shall see God. Therefore, this is
counsel, that you retain your lands, even unto the {-------?}, and seek
every means
lawful means to seek redress of your enemies, etc. And pray to God, day
night, to return you in peace and safety to the lands of your
inheritances: And
when the judge fails you, appeal unto the executive And when the
fails you appeal unto the President and when the President fails you
and all
laws fail you and the humanity of the people fails you, and all things
fail you but God alone, and you continue to weary him with your
importuning as
the poor woman did the unjust judge, he will not fail to execute
judgment upon
your enemies; and to avenge his own elect that cry unto him day and
“Behold, he will not fail you! He will come with ten thousand of his saints, and all of his adversaries shall be destroyed with the breath of his life{?}! All those who keep their inheritances notwithstanding they should be beaten and driven, shall be likened unto the wise virgins who took oil in their lamps. But all those who are unbeleiving and fearful, will be likened unto the foolish virgins, who took no oil in their lamps: and when they shall return and say unto the saints give us of your lands behold there will be no room found for them.+++++
hear the
prayer of your unworthy brother in the new and everlasting covenant: O
my God!
Thou who hast called and chosen a few, through they weak instrument, by
commandment, and sent them to Missouri, a place which thou didst call
Zion, and
commanded they servants to consecrate it unto thyself for a place of
refuge and
safety for the gathering of thy saints, to be built up a holy city unto
thyself; And as thou hast said that no other place should appointed
like unto
this; therefore, I ask thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to return
they people
unto their houses, and their inheritances, to enjoy the fruits of their
that all the waste places may be built up; that all the enemies of thy
who will not repent and turn unto thee, be destroyed from all th face
of the
land; and let a house be built and established unto thy name; and let
all the
losses that thy people have sustained, be rewarded unto them, even more
than fourfold;
that the borders of Zion he enlarged forever, and let her be
established no
more to be {------?} down; and let all thy saints when they are
scattered like
sheep and are persecuted, flee unto Zion, and be established in the
midst of
her, and let her be organized according to thy laws, and let this
prayer ever
be recorded before thy face; give thy Holy Spirit unto my brethren,
unto whom I
write; send thy angels to guard them, and deliver them from all evil;
and when
they turn their faces towards Zion, and bow before thee and pray, may
sins never come up before thy face, neither have place in the book of
remembrance, and may they depart from all their iniquities; provide
food for
them as thou doest for the ravens; provide clothing for to
cover their
nakedness, and houses that they may dwell therein; give unto them
friends in
abundance, and let their names be recorded in the Lambs book of life,
before thy face; Amen.
“Finally brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all until His coming and kingdom. Amen.
Joseph Smith, Jun.”
The following is an extract of a letter, from Elder Phelps, to Br. Joseph; dated Clay Co. Mo. Dec. 15th 1833{?}______________________________
“The situation of the Saints as scattered, is dubious, and affords a gloomy prospect. No regular order can be enforced; nor any usual discipline kept up: Among the world yea, the most wicked part of it, some commit one sin, and some another ( I speak of the rebellious, for there are saints that are as immovable as the everlasting hills) And what can be done? We are in Clay, Ray, Lafayette, Jackson, Van Buren, etc. and cannot hear from each other oftener than we do from you. I know it was right that we should be driven out of the land of Zion, that the rebellious might be sent away, But brethren, if the Lord will, I should like to know what the honest in heart shall do? our clothes are worn out; we want the necessaries of life, and shall we lease, buy, or otherwise obtain land where we are, to till that we may raise enough to eat? Such is the common language of the honest for they want to do the will of God.
“I am sensible that we shall not be able to live again in Zion, till God or the President rules out the mob.
“The Governor is willing to restore us, but as the constitution gives him no power to guard us when back we are not willing to go. The mob swear if we come we shall die! If from what has been done in Zion, we, or the most of us have got to be persecuted from City to City, from synagogue to synagogue, we want to know it: for there are those among us that would rather earn eternal life on such conditions than loose it: but we hope for better things, and shall wait patiently for the word of the Lord. Our people fare very well, and when they are discreet little or no persecution is felt.
On the 16th of Dec. 1833, the Prophet Joseph Smith received the following revelation concerning Zion: “Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out of the land of their inheritance, I the Lord have suffered the affliction to come upon them wherewith they have been afflicted in consequence of their transgressions, yet, I will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels. Therefore they must needs be chastened, and tried even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son; for all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified: Behold I say unto you, there were jarrings, and contentions, and envyings and strife, and lustful and covetous desires among them; therefore by these things they polluted their inheritances. They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; therefore, the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble. In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me.
“Verily, I say unto you, notwithstanding their sins my bowels are filled with compassion towards them: I will not utterly cast them off: and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy. I have sworn and the decree hath gone forth by a former commandment which I have given unto you, that I would let fall the sword of my indignation in the behalf of my people; and even as I have said it shall come to pass. Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all nations, and this will I do when the cup of their iniquity is full. And in that day, all who are found upon the watch tower, or in other words, all mine Israel shall be saved. And they that have been scattered shall be gathered: and all they that have mourned shall be comforted; and all they that have given their lives for my name shall be crowned.
“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands: be still and know that I am God. Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered, they shall return and come to their inheritance: they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy; to build up the waste places of Zion. And all these things that the prophets might be fulfilled.”
[Vol. 13, No. 21 (1 Apr. 1885), pp. 166–67]
“And behold, there is none other place appointed them that which I have appointed: neither shall there be any other place appointed than that I have appointed for the work of the gathering of my saints until the day cometh when there is found no more room for them; and then I have other places which I will appoint unto them, and they shall be called stakes, for the curtains, or the strength of Zion.
“Behold, it is my will, that all they who call on my name, and worship me according to mine everlasting Gospel, should gather together and stand in holy places, and prepare for the revelation
out for his name sake, a people that will be scorned and afflicted and suffer all manner of tribulation but keep the commandments of their God. And as I am one of that body of saints that the Lord was talking to I expect to claim those promises if I am faithful, and for that is to come when the veil of the covering of my Temple, in my tabernacle, which hideth the earth, shall be taken off, and all flesh shall see me together. And every corruptible thing both of man or of the beast of the field, or of the fowls of heaven, or of the fish of the sea, etc_________Behold, here is wisdom concerning the children of Zion; even many, but not all; They were found transgressors, therefore, they must needs be chastened. etc._________”
in this
revelation, are some great promises to that little handful of Saints
and their children] that had been driven from their homes and scattered
different parts of the surrounding country. I have not written it all
but I
have written enough to show the mind and will, of and [insert:
some of
the] designs of the Lord concerning his people. The promises made in
revelation, are made to a people that have been driven and scattered
persecuted in various ways, [insert:and sometimes] even unto death.
[insert:But] I see no promises to those so righeous that they are not
persecuted neither do I see any appearance made to a people having a
cornered light, but the same to the afflicted, the despises, and cast
out removal, were driven from their houses, by a party of the mob, who
down their chimneys, broke in their doors and windows and hurled large
into their houses, by which the [insert: life] of old Mr. Miller, in
particular, was greatly endangered. Mr. Miller is aged sixty five
being, the
youngest man in the four families. Some of these men have toiled and
bled in
defense of their country: And old Mr. Jones one of the sufferers served
as a
life guard to Gen. George Washington in the revolution. Well may the
solider of
seventy-six, contemplate with horror the scenes which surround him at
this day
in Jackson Co., where Liberty, and law, and equal rights, are trodden
underfoot. It is now apparent, that no man embracing the faith of this
whatever be his age, or former standing in society, may hope to escape
wrath of the Jackson Co. mob, whenever it is in their power to inflict
abuse. A
count of inquiry was held at Liberty Clay county Mo. the latter part of
month, to inquire into the conduct of Col. Pitcher, for driving the
Saints, or
Mormons from Jackson Co., which resulted in his arrest for further
trial by a
count martial. Dec. 27th The mob sold the material, or gave Davis and
leave to take the Evening and Morning Star establishment, to Liberty
Clay Co.
where they commenced the publication, of, The Missouri Enquiror{?},”
The scattered saints in Missouri commenced the year, 1834 with a conference, which they held in Clay county, on the first day of Jan. at which Bishop Partridge presided. After transacting much business relative to comforting and strengthening the scattered members of the church it was resolved, That Lyman Wight, and Parley P. Pratt be sent as special messengers, to represent the situation of the scattered brethren in Missouri, to the presiding Church in Kirtland and ask their advice, etc.
The following is an extract of a letter written, by the Presidency at Kirtland, on the 22nd of Jan., 1834:
“There is a prospect of the eastern churches doing something pretty handsome towards the deliverance of Zion, in the course of a year, if Zion is not delivered otherwise.
“Though the Lord has said this affliction came upon you because of your sins, polluting your inheritances, etc. yet there is an exception of some namely, the heads of Zion, for the Lord said your brethren in Zion begin to repent, and the angels rejoice over them etc.
“You will also see an exception at the top of the second column of this revelation; Therefore this affliction come upon the church to chasten those in transgression, and prepare the hearts of those who had repented, for an endowment from the Lord.
“We shall not be able to send you any more money at present, unless, the Lord puts it into our hands unexpectedly.
“There is not quite so much danger of a mob upon us as there has been. The hand of the Lord has thus far been stretched out to protect us.”
“You purchase your inheritance with money, therefore, behold you are blessed; you have not purchased your lands by the shedding of blood; consequently you do not come under the censure of this commandment, which says, “if by blood lo your enemies are upon you, and ye shall be driven from city to city give yourselves no uneasiness on this account.”______
The following revelation was given Feb. 29, 1839, concerning the redemption of Zion, which can be read in the Doctrine and Covenants, but is too good to be entirely left out here:
“ Verily I say unto you, my friends, behold, I will give unto you a revelation and commandment, that you may know how to act in the discharge of your duties concerning the salvation and redemption of your brethren, who have been scattered on the land of Zion, being driven and smitten by the hands of mine enemies, on whom I will pour out my wrath without measure in mine own time. For I have suffered them thus far, that they might fill up the measure of their iniquities, that their cup might be full; and that those who call themselves after my name might be chastened for a little season with a sore and grievous chastisement, because they did not hearken altogether unto the precepts and commandments which I gave unto them. But verily I say unto you, that I have decreed a decree which my people shall realize, inasmuch as they hearken from this very hour unto the counsel which I, the Lord their God, shall give unto them.
Behold they shall, for I have decreed it, begin to prevail against mine enemies from this very hour. And by hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet, and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever.
But inasmuch as they keep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them. For they were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the saviors of men; and inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.
But verily I say unto you, I have decreed that your brethren which have been scattered shall return to the lands of their inheritances, and shall build up the waste places of Zion. For after much tribulation, as I have said unto you in a former commandment, cometh the blessing. Behold, this is the blessing which I have promised after your tribulations, and the tribulations of your brethren—your redemption, and the redemption of your brethren, even their restoration to the land of Zion, to be established, no more to be thrown down. Nevertheless, if they pollute their inheritances they shall be thrown down; for I will not spare them if they pollute their inheritances.
Behold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power; therefore, I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them like as Moses led the children of Israel; for ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham, and ye must needs be led out of bondage by power, and with a stretched out arm. And as your fathers were led at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be. Therefore, let not your hearts faint, for I say not unto you as I said unto your fathers: Mine angel shall go up before you, but not my presence. But I say unto you: Mine angels shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land.
Joseph continues: “Thus while the press was mourning, the work prospering, the Saints rejoicing in the east, troubles changed and multiplied in the west, as may be seen by the following letter written by W. W. Phelps:
Clay Co. Mo. Feb. 27th 1834.
Dear Brethren,
The times are so big with events, and the anxiety of everybody so great to watch them, that I feel somewhat impressed to write oftener than I have done, in order to give you more of the “strange acts” of this region.
have just
returned from Independence, the seat of war in the west. About a dozen
of our
brethren among whom were Bishop Partridge, Elder Corrille and
were subpoenaed in behalf of the state; and on the 23rd of Feb. about
o’clock; we were on the bank opposite Everett’s Ferry, where we found
Atchison’s company, of “Liberty Blues new fifty rank and file, ready to
us into Jackson Co.
The soldiers were well armed with United States muskets, bayonets fixed, etc. and to me the scene was “passing strange” and long to be remembered; the martial law in force to guard the civil. About twenty-five men crossed over to effect a landing in safety, and when they came near the warehouse they fixed six or eight guns, though the enemy had not gathered to witness the landing.
After we were all across, and waiting for the baggage wagon, it was thought most advisable to encamp in the woods, and the witnesses with half the company, marched nearly a mile towards Independence to build night fires, as we were without tents, and the weather cold enough to mow a little. While on the way the Quartermaster, and others that had gone on ahead to prepare quarters in town, sent an express back, which was not of the most pacific appearance. Cap. Atchinson continued to express to Col. Allen for the two hundred drafted militia, and also to Liberty for more ammunition; And the night passed off in warlike style: with the sentinels marching silently at a proper distance from the watch fires.
Early in the morning, we marched strongly guarded by the troops, to the seat of war, and quartered in the block house formerly the tavern stand of S H[Tl]ourney{?}. After breakfast we were visited by the District Attorney Mr. Reese, and the Attorney General Mr. Wells. From them we learn that all hopes of criminal prosecution was at an end.
Wells had
been sent by the Governor to investigate as far as possible, the
outrage, but the bold front of the mob, bound even unto death (as I
have heard)
was not to be penetrated by civil law, or awed by executive influence:
after Cap. Atchinson informed me that he had just received an order
from the
judge, that his company’s service was no longer wanted in Jackson
County. And
we were marched out of town to the tune of Yankee-doodle in quick time,
soon returned to our camp without the loss of any lives (This order was
by the court, apparently, on account of the speedy gathering of the old
mob, or
citizens, of Jackson county, and their assuming such a boisterous and
mobocratic appearance) In fact much credit is due to Cap. Atchison for
gallantry and hospitality, and I think I can say of the officers and
that their conduct as soldiers and men, is highly reputable, so much so
as I do the fatal result had the militia come, or not come, I can add that
the captains safe return, refreshed my mind with Zenophans safe retreat
of the
ten thousand. Thus ends all hope of “redress,” even with a guard
ordered by the
Gov. for the protection of the court and witnesses.
Before a crop is harvested, it becomes ripe of itself. The dreadful deeds now done in Jackson county, with impunity, must bring matters to a focus shortly. Within two or three weeks past, some of the most savage acts ever witnessed, have been committed by the litter branches. Old Father Linsey, whose looks have been whitened by the blasts of seventy winters had his house thrown down, after he was driven from it; his goods, corn, etc. piled together and fire put to it, but fortunately after the mob retired; his son extinguished it.”
[Vol. 13, No. 22 (15 Apr. 1885), pp. 169–70]
Joseph and
the brethren in Kirtland were making efforts to raise volunteers to go
up to
Zion to assist the Church in the west. They traveled through different
of the Church, and stopped at Bro. Nickerson’s. Joseph says: “We called
church together, and related unto them what had happened to our
brethren in
Zion, and opened to them the prophecies and revelations concerning the
order of
Zion the gathering to Zion; and the means of her redemption; and
prophesied to them; and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon them,
with all readiness. The young and the middle aged volunteered
for Zion.”
great burden
that seemed to rest upon brother Joseph at this time, was the welfare
deliverance of Zion. His prayers were offered up to his God,
continually in
behalf of her children, who were afflicted, and wandering, as outcasts
their lands and homes, in this land of boasted freedom.
While the brethren in Kirtland were trying to raise a company to go to the land of Missouri to deliver Zion while the saints in Zion were writing, and receiving communications, from the Governor, and other officers of the state, to obtain redress for their grievances, but as the sequel shows, it availed them nothing.
Although the Saints, or most of them, had left Jackson County, persecution did not entirely cease: Joseph, with Zion’s camp, was now on his way to Missouri.
“Monday, June 16th, 1834. The citizens of Clay County, to the number of eight hundred or a thousand, among whom were the brethren, assembled at the Court House in Liberty agreeably to the request of Judge Ryland, and a deputation from Jackson, who presented the following:
the people of Jackson County to the Mormons. The undersigned committee,
fully authorized by the people of Jackson county, hereby purpose to the
Mormons, that they will buy all the lands that the said Mormons own in
county of Jackson; and also, all the improvements which the said
Mormons had on
any of the public lands in said county of Jackson, ___ (read in Joseph
History.) On presentation of the foregoing, Samuel C. Owens made a
flaming war
speech, and Gen. Doniphan replied on the side of peace. The Rev. M
Riley made a
hot speech against the Mormons, and said, “the Mormons have lived long
in Clay county; and they must either clear out, or be cleared out.”
the moderator of the meeting answered in a masterly manner; saying, let
us be
republicans; let us honor our country, and not disgrace it like Jackson
For God’s sake don’t disfranchise the Mormons or drive away the
They are better citizens than many of the old inhabitants.”
Gen. Doniphan exclaimed “that’s a fact, and as the Mormons have armed themselves if they don’t fight they are cowards. I love to hear that they have brethren coming to their assistance. Greater love can no man show, than he who lays down his life for his brethren.”
At this critical instant, the cocking of pistols and jingling of implements of death, denoted desperation. One motioned, ‘adjourn’ another, ‘go on’, and in the midst of this awful crisis a person bawled into the door, “a man stabbed.” The mass instantly rushed out to the spot, in hopes, as some said, “that one damned Mormon had got killed,” but as good luck would have it, only one Missourian had dirked another; (one Colbert a blacksmith, had stabbed on Wales, who had previously whipped one Mormon nearly to death and boast of having whipped many more) The wound was dangerous, and as if the Lord was there, it seemed as though the occurrence was necessary to break up the meeting without further bloodshed, and give the saints a chance to consult what would be most advisable in such a critical instant, and they immediately penned the following answer to the propositions from Jackson county, presented by Owens, etc.
“Gentlemen: Your proposition for an adjustment of the difficulties between the citizens of Jackson county and the Mormons, is before us; and as explained to you in the court house this day, we are not authorized to say to you that our brethren will submit to your proposals; but we agree to spread general notice, and call a meeting of our people in all, the present week, and lay before you an answer as soon as Saturday or Monday next. We can say for ourselves, and in behalf of our brethren, that peace is what we desire, and what we are disposed to cultivate with all men; and to effect peace, we feel disposed to use all our influence, as far as would be required at our hands, as free-born citizens of these United States.-And as fears have been expressed that we designed to commence hostilities against the inhabitants of Jackson county, we hereby pledge ourselves to them, and to the hospitable citizens of Clay County, that we will not, and neither have designed, as a people, to commence hostilities against the aforesaid citizens of Jackson county, or any other people.”
It may be thought at first view that the mob committee made a fair proposition to the saints, in offering to buy their lands at one hundred per cent, in thirty days; and offering theirs on the same terms; but when it is understood that the mob held possession of much larger quantity of land than the saints and that they only offered thirty days for the payment, having previously robbed them of nearly everything, it will be readily seen that they were only making a sham to cover their previous unlawful conduct; but the tempest of an immediate conflict seemed to be checked, and the Jackson mob to the number of about fifteen, with Samuel C. Owens and James Campbell at their head, started for Independence Jackson county, to raise an army sufficient to meet me, before I could get into Clay County. Campbell swore, as he adjusted his pistols in his holsters, “The Eagles and Turkey Buzzards shall eat flesh if I do not fix Joe. Smith and his army so that their skins will not hold shucks, before two days are passed.” They went to the ferry and undertook to cross the Missouri river, after dusk, and the angel of God saw fit to sink the boat, about the middle of the river, and seven out of twelve that attempted to cross, were disarmed, Thus suddenly, and justly went they to their own place by water. Cambell was among the missing. He floated down the river some four or five miles, and lodged upon a pile of drift wood, where the Eagles, Buzzards, Ravens, Crows and wild animals ate his flesh from his bones, to fulfill his own words and left him a horrible looking skeleton of Gods vengeance: which was discovered, about three weeks after by one Mr Purtle. Owens saved his life only, after floating four miles down the stream, where he lodged upon an island, “swam off naked about day light, borrowed a mantle to hide his shame, and slipped home rather shy of the vengeance of God.”
“We (Zion’s camp) were threatened that we should not pass through Richmond, and it was reported that an army lay in wait there to intercept us.”
[Vol. 13, No. 24 (15 May 1885), pp. 187]
we passed through the town as soon as it was light and before the
were arisen from their slumber, meeting with no opposition, but we had
proceeded many miles before one wagon broke down, and by the time that
repaired wheels ran off from others and such like incidents continued
the day to impede our progress. When we started in the morning we
intended to
arrive in Clay county that day, but in vain, at a seasonable hour we
on an elevated pieces of ground between two branches of Fishing River, at
this point having troubled about fifteen miles Fishing River, at
point, was composed of seven small stream and those betwixt which we
were two of them, As we halted and were making preparations for the
night, five
men armed with guns rode into our camp well before morning, and their
accompanying oaths partook of all the malice of demons. They told us
that sixty
men were coming from Richmond, Ray county; and seventy more from Clay
sworn to our utter destruction, The weather was pleasant at this time.
“During this day the Jackson county mob, to the number of about two hundred, made arrangements to cross the Missouri river, about the mouth of Fishing River, at Williams Ferry, into Clay county and be ready to meet the Richmond mob near Fishing River Ford, for our utter destruction, but after the first scourbrad of about forty had been set over the river, the scow in returning was met by a squall, and had a great difficulty in reaching the Jackson side by dark.
after the
fine men left out the camp swearing vengeance, we discovered a
black cloud rising in the West, and in twenty minutes or thereabouts,
it began
to rain and hail, and this was the squall that troubled the Jackson
boat. The
storm was tremendous; wind and rain, hail and thunder met them in great
and soon softened their direful courage, and frustrated all their
designs to
“kill Joe Smith and his army.” Instead of continuing a cannonading;
which they
commenced the sun about one hour high, they crawled under wagons, into
trees, filled one old shanty, etc., till the storm was over, when their
ammunitions was soaked, and the forty in Clay county were extreme
anxious in
the morning to return to Jackson having experienced the pitiless
peltings of
the storm all night; and as soon as arrangements could be made, this,
hope” took the “back track” for Independence, to gain the main body of
the mob,
fully satisfied, as were those survivors of the company who were
drowned, that
when Jehovah fights, they would rather be absent. The gratification is
little hail
fell in our camp, but from half to a mile around, the stones or lumps
of ice
cut down the crops of corn and vegetation generally, even cutting limbs
trees, themselves were twisted into wriths by the wind The lightning
incessantly, which caused it to be so light in our camp through the
night, that
we could discern the most minute object; and the roaring of the thunder
tremendous. The earth trembled and waked; the rain fell in torrents
united, it seemed as if the mandate of vengeance had gone forth from
the God of
battles to protect his servants from the destruction of their enemies,
for the
hail fell on as them, and not on us, and we suffered no harm
except the
blowing down of some of our tents and getting some wet, while our
enemies had
holes made in their hats and otherwise received damage, even the
breaking of
their rifle stocks, and the fleeing of their horses through fear and
“Many of my little band sheltered in an old meeting house through the night, and in the morning the water in Big Fishing River, was about forty feet deep, where, the previous evening it was no more than to our ankles, and our enemies swore that the water rose thirty feet in thirty minutes in the Little Fishing River.
“Friday, the 20th. We went five miles on the prairie to procure food for ourselves and horses, and for ourselves and horses, and establish ourselves for the moment, in some secure place where we could defend ourselves from the rage of our enemies, and while in this situation, on Saturday the 21st, Col. Sconce, with two other leading men from Ray county come to see us, desiring to know what our intentions were; for, said he, “I see that there is an almighty power that protects this people, for I started from Richmond, Ray county, with a company of armed men, having a full determination to destroy you, but was kept back by the storm, and was not able to reach you.”
“When he entered our camp he was seized with such a trembling that he was obliged to sit down to compose himself; and when he had made known his object of their visit, I arose, and addressing them gave a relation of the sufferings of the saints in Jackson county, and also of our persecutions generally, and what we had suffered by our enemies for our religion; and that we had come one thousand miles to assist our brethren, to bring them clothing, etc., and to reinstate them upon their own lands: and that we had no intention to molest or injure any people, but only to administer to the wants of our afflicted friends; and that the evil reports circulated about us were false, and got up by our enemies to procure our destruction.
“When I had closed a lengthy speech, the spirit of which melted them into compassion, they arose and offered men their hands, and said they would use their influence to allay the excitement which everywhere prevailed against us, and they wept when they heard of our afflictions and persecutions, and that our intentions were good. Accordingly they went forth and rode among the people, and made unwearied exertions to allay the excitement.”
A revelation was given while they were encamped on Fishing River, in Missouri, June 22nd, 1834.
[Vol. 14, No. 1 (1 June 1885), p. 3]
“Verily, I say unto you, who have assembled yourselves together that you may learn my will concerning the redemption of mine afflicted people:
I say
unto you, were it not for the transgressions of my people, speaking the
concerning the church and not individuals, they might have been
redeemed even
now: but behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things
which I
require at their hands, but are full of all manner of evil, and do not
of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among
and are not united according to the union required by the law of the
kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself; and my people must
chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the
things which
they suffer.
I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my people, who are the first elders of my church, for they are not all under this condemnation; but I speak concerning my churches abroad: there are many who will say, Where is their God? Behold, he will deliver in time of trouble; otherwise we will not go up unto Zion, and will keep our moneys. Therefore, in consequence of the transgression of my people, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion, that they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be taught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly, concerning their duty, and the things which I require at their hands; and this cannot be brought to pass until mine elders are endowed with power from on high; for, behold, I have prepared a great endowment and blessing to be poured out upon them, inasmuch as they are faithful, and continue in humility before me; therefore, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season, for the redemption of Zion; for, behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will fulfill, I will fight your battles.
Behold, the destroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine enemies; and not many years hence, they shall not be left to pollute mine heritage, and to blaspheme my name upon the lands which I have consecrated for the gathering together of my saints.
Behold, I have commanded my servant, Baurak he, to say unto the strength of my house, even my warriors, my young men and middle-aged, to gather together for the redemption of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their watchmen; but the strength of mine house have not hearkened unto my words; but inasmuch as there are those who have hearkened unto my words I have prepared a blessing and an endowment for them, if they continue faithful. I have heard their prayers, and will accept their offering; and it is expedient in me that they should be brought thus far, for a trial of their faith. And now, verily I say unto you, A commandment I give unto you, that as many as have come up hither, that can stay in the region roundabout, let them stay; and those that cannot stay, who have families in the east, let them tarry for a little season, inasmuch as my servant Joseph shall appoint unto them, for I will counsel him concerning this matter; and all things whatsoever he shall appoint unto them shall be fulfilled.
And let all my people who dwell in the regions round about, be very faithful, and prayerful, and humble before me, and reveal not the things which I have revealed unto them, until it is wisdom in me that they should be revealed. Talk not judgment, neither boast of faith, nor of mighty works; but carefully gather together, as much in one region as can be consistently with the feelings of the people: and, behold, I will give unto you favor and grace in their eyes, that you may rest in peace and safety, while you are saying unto the people, Execute judgment and justice for us according to law, and redress us of our wrongs.
Now, behold, I say unto you, my friends, In this way you may find favor in the eyes of the people, until the army of Israel becomes very great; and I will soften the hearts of the people, as I did the heart of Pharaoh, from time to time, until my servant Baurak Ale, and Baneemy whom I have appointed, shall have time to gather up the strength of my house, and to have sent wise men, to fulfill that which I have commanded concerning the purchasing of all the lands in Jackson County, that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about; for it is my will that these lands should be purchased, and after they are purchased that my saints should possess them according to the laws of consecration which I have given, and after these lands are purchased, I will hold the armies of Israel guiltless in taking possession of their own lands which they have previously purchased with their moneys, and of throwing down the towers of mine enemies, that may be upon them, and scattering their watchmen, and avenging me of mine enemies, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. But firstly, let my army become very great, and let it be sanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun, and clear as the moon and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations; that the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us become subject unto her laws.
Verily I say unto you, It is expedient in me that the first elders of my church should receive their endowment from on high, in my house which I have commanded to be built unto my name in the land of Kirtland, and let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law, be executed and fulfilled, after her redemption. There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are worthy; and it shall be manifest unto my servant, by the voice of the Spirit, those that are chosen, and they shall be sanctified; and inasmuoh as they follow the counsel which they receive, they shall have power after many days to accomplish all things pertaining to Zion.
And again, I say unto you, Sue for peace, not only the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; and lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation for peace unto the ends of the earth; and make proposals for peace, unto those who have smitten you, according to the voice of the Spirit which is in you, and all things shall work together for your good; therefore, be faithful, and, behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end; even so. Amen.”
I did not intend to insert the whole of the foregoing revelation, but I found nothing to leave out; and perhaps it may be better understood to read it in connection with the circumstances that called it forth.
“About this time,” the Prophet says, “Bro’s Thayre and Hayes (in Zion’s camp) were attacked with the cholera, and Brother Hancock was taken during the storm. I called the camp together and told them that in consequence of the disobedience of some who had been unwilling to listen to my words, but had rebelled, God had decreed that sickness should come upon them, and that they should die like sheep with the rot; that I was sorry, but could not help it. Previous to this, while on our journey, I had predicted and warned them of the danger of such chastisement, but there is some who would not give heed to my words.
“On the 23rd resumed our march for Liberty, Clay County, taking a circuitous course round the head of Fishing River to avoid the deep water. When within five or six miles of Liberty we were met by Gen. Atchinson and some other gentlemen who desired them not to go to Liberty, as the people were so much enraged against us. At their communication we wheeled to the left, and crossing the prairie and woodland came to Sidney Gilbert’s residence, and encamped on the bank of Rush Creek, in Brother Burgart’s field.
“During this a council of High Priests assembled in fulfillment of the revelation given the day previous, and the following individuals were called and chosen as they were made manifest unto me by the voice of the Spirit and revelation to receive their endowment: Edward Partridge was called and chosen to go to Kirtland to receive his endowment with power from on high, and also to stand in his office as Bishop, to purchase lands in the State of Missouri.” Several others were called and chosen at this time to go to Kirtland and receive their endowments.
“The same day the Elders made the following reply, as before referred to, to S. E. Owens and others, committee of the Jackson County mob.”
[Vol. 14, No. 2 (15 June 1885), p. 10]
We, the undersigned committee, having full power and authority to settle and adjust all matters and differences existing between our people or society and the inhabitants of Jackson county, upon honorable and constitutional principles; therefore, if the said inhabitants of Jackson county will not let us return to our lands in peace, we are willing to propose first: that twelve disinterested men, six to be chosen by our people, and six by the inhabitants of Jackson county; and these twelve men shall say what the lands of those men are worth in that county, who cannot consent to live with us, and they shall receive their money for the same in one year from the time the treaty if made, and none of our people shall enter the county to reside till the money is paid. The said twelve men shall have power also to say what the damages shall be for the injuries we have sustained in the destruction of property and in being driven from our possessions, which amount of damages shall be deducted from the amount for their lands. Our object is peace, and an early answer will be expected.
The Prophet continues: “This night the cholera burst forth among us, and about midnight it was manifested in its most virulent form.A Our ears were saluted with cries and moanings and lamentations on every hand; even those on guard fell to the earth with their guns in their hands, so sudden and powerful was the attack of this terrible disease.
"At the commencement, I attempted to lay on hands for their recovery, but I quickly learned by painful experience, that when the great Jehovah decrees destruction upon any people, and makes known His determination, man must not attempt to stay His hand. The moment I attempted to rebuke the disease I was attacked, and had I not desisted in my attempt to save the life of a brother, I would have sacrificed my own, for when I rebuked the disease it left him and seized me.
"Early on the morning of the 25th, the camp was separated into small bands, and dispersed among the brethren living in the vicinity; and I wrote and sent by express, to Messrs. Thornton, Doniphan, and Atchison, as follows:
RUSH CREEK, Clay County, June 25, 1834.
Our company of men advanced yesterday from their encampment beyond Fishing river to Rush Creek, where their tents are again pitched. But feeling disposed to adopt every pacific measure, without jeopardizing our lives, to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed, and continue so till every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of Jackson has been made on our part, that would in any wise be required of us by disinterested men of republican principles.
I am respectfully, your obedient servant,
N.B. You are now corresponding with the governor, (as I am informed); will you do us the favor to acquaint him of our efforts for a compromise. This information we want conveyed to the governor, inasmuch as his ears are stuffed with reports from Jackson, of our hostile intentions, etc.
“I left Rush Creek the same day in company with David Whitmer and two other brethren, for the western part of Clay county. While traveling, we called at the house of a Mr. Moss for a drink of water. The woman of the house shouted from the door, that they had “no water for Mormons,” that they were “afraid of the cholera,” etc., at the same time throwing out her arms as if defending herself from the cholera in the form of a personage. We turned and departed, according to the commandment, and before a week had passed, the cholera entered that house, and that woman and three others of the family were dead.
“When the cholera made its appearance, Elder John S. Carter was the first man who stepped forward to rebuke it, and upon this, was instantly seized, and became the first victim in the camp. He died about six o’clock in the afternoon; and Seth Hitchcock died in about thirty minutes afterwards. Erastus Rudd died about the same moment, although a half a mile distant. He was buried by Jesse Smith, George A. Smith and two or three others, and while burying him, Jesse Smith was attacked with the cholera. As it was impossible to obtain coffins, the brethren rolled the corpses in blankets, carried them on a horse-sled about half a mile, buried them on the bank of a small stream, which empties into Rush creek, all of which was accomplished by dark. When they had returned from the burial, the brethren unitedly covenanted and prayed, hoping the disease would be stayed; but in vain, for while thus covenanting, Eber Wilcox died; and while some were digging the grave, others stood sentry with their fire arms, watching their enemies. * * * *
“The cholera continued its ravages for about four days, when a remedy for the purging, vomiting, and cramping, was discovered; viz; dipping the persons afflicted in cold water, or pouring it upon victims of them, and giving them whisky thickened with flour to the consistency of starch. Whisky was the only kind of spirits that could be procured at this place. About sixty-eight of the Saints suffered from this disease, of which number fourteen died. * * * *
“The last days of June I spent with my old Jackson county friends, in the western part of Clay county. On the 1st of July Jesse J. Smith died. I crossed the Missouri river, in company with a few friends, into Jackson county, to set my feet once more on the “goodly land;” and on the 2nd I went down near Liberty, and visited the brethren.” * * * *
The revelations and letters that the Jackson County Saints received, must have been a source of great comfort and consolation to them in their afflictions, and when the Prophet Joseph came with Zion’s Camp, I can imagine, in some degree, how great their joy must have been, and, child as I was, I partook of the joyful spirit of my parents. Some of the brethren of Zion’s camp stopped at my father’s and I particularly remember Dr. Darwin Richardson. When Brother Joseph returned to Kirtland father either went with him, or soon after, and was absent several months.
How mother managed to live I cannot tell; only the Lord did provide. The children continued to go to school in the log cabin in the Paupau Grove, having our pleasures and troubles mixed as a natural consequence of school children, but children’s troubles are generally short lived, and ours did not hinder us from having plenty of fun. We had some sickness in our family while father was absent, but our lives were spared through all our wanderings, until we came to Nauvoo; there death began to make inroads in our family. Some of the brethren purchased land in Clay County, but the Saints had no intention of making a permanent settlement in that place.
The spirit of mobocracy continued to manifest itself among the inhabitants of Clay County, and the Saints began to flee from their persecutors. They purchased land in Caldwell County, Missouri, and established a gathering place for the scattered Saints.
Father moved his family into a piece of timber, about three miles from the place where Far West was afterwards located. Father and the brethren that were with him built log huts and prepared us as well as they could for the coming winter. The timber in which we were camped was mostly hickory, with some black walnut, and hazel bushes were plentiful, and all were loaded with nuts, and when the frost came they dropped from the trees and lay so thick on the ground all around us that the children were kept pretty busy gathering them up. We gathered several bushels, and feasted on nuts through the winter, if with little else. As father’s eldest children were all girls, my sister Harriet and I had to act the part of boys and help him with his work, such as milking the cows and going to the prairie and assist him in loading hay, and sometimes we would carry the chain when he surveyed the land.
After Far West was laid out father built another house and we moved into the city. The Saints from all parts of the world, where the gospel had been preached, began to gather in, and the place was rapidly built up.
Troubles in Kirtland multiplied, until the Saints in that place had to flee to Missouri and the Saints in the west had the Prophet, for the first time, residing in their midst, which they esteemed as a very great blessing. The Saints continued to take up land and settle in the surrounding counties, and peace and prosperity reigned in their midst.
[Vol. 14, No. 3 (1 July 1885), p. 17]
On the fourth of July, 1838, the Saints assembled in Far West to celebrate the day, and I think the spot for the temple was that day dedicated. Our national flag, the stars and stripes, attached to the liberty-pole, floated gaily in the breeze. All were happy and joyful, as none but the Saints know how to be.
Shortly after the fourth a terrible storm arose; the thunder and lightning were terrific; the liberty was struck and shattered by a bolt, foreshadowing coming events, as the sequel proved.
Not long after this rumors came to Far West, from different settlements of the Saints, of threats, and depredations being committed by small parties of Missourians. There was trouble in Daviess County—a battle was fought on Crooked River, and Brother David Patten, one of the Twelve, and some others of the brethren were killed. Then came the news of the terrible massacre at Haun’s Mill, and before we were hardly aware of it a large army of the mob were marching towards Far West, with an exterminating order from the Governor. The brethren hastily got together wagons, logs, boards and whatever they could find that would do, and threw up a breastwork to protect themselves, in a measure, from the bullets of the murderous mob. The mob halted when within about half a mile of Far West. A white flag was sent out by the mob, and were met by a party of our brethren, also carrying a white flag. The mob demanded three persons to be brought out of the city, then their design was to massacre the rest.
The days following another flag was sent by the mob, and some of our brethren met them and learned that they were commissioned by the chief executive, and were authorized to exterminate the Mormons en masse, and they had three thousand troops under command to carry these orders into effect. Col. Hinkle went out to meet the flag of truce, and secretly made arrangements to deliver up the leaders of the Church to be tried and punished; to have the property of the Saints delivered over to the mob to pay their expenses and all damages done them, and also arranged that the Saints should leave the state, and their arms be delivered up to the enemy.
In the evening of the same day the first step in this base treachery was taken. Hinkle represented to the Prophet, that the officers of the militia desired an interview with him, in the hope that a settlement might be brought about without carrying out the Governor’s exterminating orders.
Brother Joseph and others complied with the request, and were delivered into the hands of the mob as prisoners of war by the treacherous and cowardly George M. Hinkle. The brethren were put into a hollow square and strongly guarded. The mob they set up a most horrid, unearthly yell, and one might well imagine that it came from the throats of demons of the lower regions. It was a sound long to be remembered, and one that no person could desire to hear but once in their lives, especially under like circumstances.
On the morning of the 1st of November, [1838] the bugle sounded for the brethren to assemble. Every man went well armed and was paraded and delivered over to the mob. The brethren were surrounded and required to surrender their arms and were guarded all day, while the soldiers went from house to house, plundering, pillaging, destroying, and driving, in some instances, women and children from their homes. Before the mob disbanded, after securing the arms of the brethren, they rode through the city, and passed so close to our house that we could hear their remarks.
A short time after this I was outdoors, when a party of the mob came up with their guns on their shoulder, almost to our door, and shot a two year old heifer. I felt no fear, for I had got pretty well used to seeing mobocrats by this time, but stood and saw them skin and cut it up and carry it away.
A court martial was held by the officers of the mob and Joseph and the brethren that were with him, without having the privilege of saving a work in their own defense, were sentenced to be shot on Friday morning, on the public square in Far West, in the presence of their families and friends. At this General Doniphan objected, saying he would have nothing to do with such cold-blooded actions, and he would withdraw his company from the army. This probably saved the lives of the prisoners, at that time, as the sentence was changed and they were taken to Independence, Jackson County. Fifty-six more of the brethren were taken prisoners by General Clark, among whom was my father. They were collected within a small circle on the public square, surrounded by a strong guard, and there they were compelled to sign a deed of trust, which deed was designed to put their property into the hands of a committee, to be disposed of to pay all the debts which had been contracted by any, and all that belonged to the Church. Also to pay all damages the mob might have sustained from any person whatever. And all those who denied the faith were exonerated from signing this deed of trust. They were then marched and confined in Bark’s tavern, in Far West, Nov., 1838.
General Clark came in and said to the brethren there, that they were guilty of all manner of crimes, and although they might not be more guilty than others who were not taken prisoners, yet he intended to make an example of them. The nature and enormity of their crimes were such that they were not fit to live among a moral people, in moral society. Therefore they should not be allowed to live in the state; that it was a part of the treaty made by General Lucas, that the Mormons should leave the state, and that was the Governor’s orders also. He said the would permit them to stay until the weather became warm, and if they were not off then he would pledge himself that he would drive them out of the states, and if he had to come again he would show them no quarter.
They were then driven to Richmond, Ray County, Missouri like so many dumb animals, and continued in Richmond jail. The weather was cold, the ground was covered with mud and slush, and when they camped for the night they lay upon the ground, and some [?] without a blanket to wrap around them to protect them from the cold and frost. But I will let my father [Edward Partridge] tell his treatment at that time, while a prisoner, in his own words, as he wrote them in the form of a prayer:
[Vol. 14, No. 4 (15 July 1885), p. 26]
“Oh, Lord, look down in mercy upon Thy people who are afflicted and oppressed. How long, O Lord, wilt Thou suffer the enemy to oppress Thy Saints. Destruction hath come upon us like a whirlwind, in the which Thou hast verified thy words, for Thou didst forewarn us that it should come, and behold Thy word is fulfilled. The enemy came upon us to drive us from the state of Missouri, or exterminate us. But Thou, O Lord, did stay their hands from killing us, though numbers were massacred; and Thou didst send forth uncommon sever frost and snow and by that means save us, as a people, from being driven out at the time appointed. But Thou didst suffer the enemy unlawfully, to take Thy servant, together with scores of others, who drove us like dumb asses from our homes, in a cold, dreary and melancholy time. We were confined in a large, open room, where the cold northern blast penetrated freely. Our fires were small, and our allowance for wood and food scanty. They gave us not even a blanket to lie upon. Our beds were the cold floor.
There, Thou didst suffer the wicked to tyrannize over us; yea, the vilest of the vile did guard us and treat us like dogs; yet we bore our oppressions without murmuring; but our souls were vexed both night and day with their filthy conversation, for they constantly blasphemed Thy holy name.
How long, O Lord, wilt Thou suffer them to blaspheme Thy name? Wilt Thou not soon cut them off and consign them their portion among hypocrites and unbelievers? In the midst of our oppression we did call upon Thy name. O Lord, and Thou didst hear us, and deliver us in some degree from the hand of oppression, yet the enemy doth still threaten us and would fain destroy us from the face of the earth, but we are in Thy hands, O Lord, and we know that the enemy can go no father in oppressing us than Thou dost permit. O Lord, deliver Thou us from our oppressors. Send Thy judgments and destroy those who are not willing to let Thy Saints have a resting place upon Thy footstool. Save Thy people O Lord, save Thy people from oppression and bondage, yea, redeem Thy Zion; in Thine own time redeem it.
How long, O Lord, shall the enemy be permitted to wear out Thy Saints? Hasten, hasten the day when the ancient of days can sit, and power be given Thy Saint to take and possess the kingdom, even forever and ever. Amen. [Signed] E. Partridge.
Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri, January, 1839.
The brethren were prohibited, by the mob from going out or coming into the city, but many of the families living out had gathered in for protection, which caused provisions to be very scarce, and much suffering ensued. The mob had taken cattle, pigs, poultry, and whatever they wanted for their army to eat while they were camped outside of the city, for all know that even a mob must eat to live, if they have to rob women and children of their last morsel to do it. I know how it was in our family—mother had to boil wheat to eke out the little corn meal that we had; flour we had none, and I remember seeing her make some pumpkin pies, using corn meal for the crust; I suppose she thought the corn dodger and pumpkin sauce would taste better to the children if it was made in the shape of, and called a pie. Some were worse off than we were, for they had nothing but parched corn to eat. Well, these were some of the mobocratic days of my childhood.
Father was released from prison and returned to Far West, but in consequence of trouble being brought upon him by apostate brethren, he was compelled to again flee from his family and home. Mother, soon after, put what she could of her effects into a wagon and, with her family, started for—well, anywhere out of the state of Missouri.
We were set down on the banks of the Mississippi River, opposite Quincy, and were again houseless and homeless, wandering in the cold and bleak winter weather, with scanty food and clothing. We pitched our tents and waited for an opportunity to cross the river. There were several families of Saints there when we arrived, and they were continually coming, so the bank of the river was dotted with tents, now the only home of the again exiled Saints. The wagons bringing families were unloaded and taken back for more of the Saints. When we crossed the river it was partly on the ice and partly in the ferry boat. The shore on the Quincy side of the river was lined with the inhabitants of that place, to witness the crossing over of the Mormon outcasts even the exiled Saints in midwinter. Perhaps many thought they were a strange people, or some kind of animals; not human beings like themselves, subject to sorrow and pain, cold and hunger and distress.
In all our wanderings and being driven, we have had to go out in the cold winter months, and the suffering of the people must have been very great. Children could not sense the awful reality of the situation as older ones did, on whose shoulders the burden rested. I sometimes look back upon those scenes with horror, and wonder how the Saints did continue to endure, time after time, such heartless cruelties. But many could not endure, and so found an early grave.
And now, in 1885, nearly all of the Saints that were living then have passed away, and the few that are living now are those that were children then, and they are becoming advanced in years, and it will not be very long and there will be none left living upon the earth to bear witness against the horrid deeds of the Missouri mob. But the record of their wicked deeds will remain and condemn them; they will yet have to foot the bill with interest.
After crossing the river, mother rented a room in Quincy, and here father met us. We remained but a short time in Quincy. Father moved his family to Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, where we remained until a place for the gathering of the Saints was appointed, when we moved to Commerce, afterwards Nauvoo. Father secured a city lot, and pitched his tent under a large elm tree.
The place was very unhealthy, and nearly everybody there was sick; so much so that it was hard to find well ones enough to care for the sick, or bury the dead. As we had not been there long enough to be affected by the climate, father sent his girls, that were old enough, among the sick to help take care of them. I was at Brother Ebenezer Robinson’s; he and his wife were both sick. I stayed as long as I could keep up. I went home sick, took my bed, from which I was unable to rise for several weeks. My sister Harriet proceeded me home, and was occupying one side of the bed, very sick. We lay in this condition until one day Brothers Young and Kimball called at our tent they were just starting on a mission, and they administered to us, when the fever broke, and we were much better, but we did not get our strength.
After a few weeks, being neither sick nor yet well, we were taken down with the shaking ague, which continued with us, off and on, for one year or more. As the tent was an uncomfortable place for sick folks, father rented a room, in what was called the “upper store house,” built at the steam-boat landing, before the Saints began to settle there. Several families occupied other portions of the house. Brother Hyrum Smith’s family had a room adjoining ours.
Father had the chills and fever, but he felt so anxious to build a house for his family, which had to be done mostly by his own labor, that he felt he could hardly spare time to be sick, so he would take quinine and break up the chills for a week or two, so that he could labor on his house, and when the chills returned he would take more quinine and go to work again; but he saw that it would take a long time at this rate to get into his house, so he concluded to build a stable for his cows and move his family into that; but moving was the last thing he ever did in this life. He died on the 27th of May, 1840, in his forty-seventh year. My sister Harriet died a few days before, in the store house, on the 16th of May, 1840, in her nineteenth year.
I will here mention the kindness of Brother and Sister William Law to our family in our distressed condition. While my father lay sick, my sister Eliza and I, and some of the other children were sick also, and it was very unpleasant for so many sick to be in one small room. Brother and Sister Law took Eliza and I home with them and showed us every kindness. I felt as though I had almost got to heaven after all the years of suffering that we had endured, and now to be in such a good house, and to have a comfortable bed to lay upon, with nourishing and palatable food, I almost thought that it was too pleasant to be true.
After father’s death Brother Law took our whole family home and administered to our wants, and with such good and kind care we began to improve in health, and when we had sufficiently regained our health we went back into our little hut once more.
When I think of the Laws, and what good men they seemed to be, and realize the course they have taken, my soul sorrows and mourns over their fate. Can it be possible that such kindness as they extended to my father’s family will be all lost?
[Vol. 14, No. 5 (1 Aug. 1885), p. 37]
On the 3rd of February, 1841, The Patriarch, Isaac Morley, came to our house and gave us each a patriarchal, or father’s blessing. Mine was as follows:
“Sister Emily, I lay my hands upon thy head, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and I seal upon thy head a father’s blessing. Notwithstanding thou art an orphan child, the heavens and the earth are stored with blessings for thee.
Thou hast embraced the fullness of the everlasting Gospel in the days of thy life; they name is registered in the heavens. The angels rejoiced over thee when thou wast born into the kingdom of thy Savior, and if thou wilt ever support the principles that adorn they sex, they name shall never be erased from the Lamb’s book of life.
And if thou wilt ask thou shalt receive intelligence pertaining to the kingdom of God; the heavens and the earth shall unbosom their blessings unto thee; thou shalt have the blessing and gift to speak in wisdom and act in prudence; thy example shall be worthy of imitation to the daughters of Zion; and if thou wilt listen to the voice of wisdom length of days shalt be given unto thee, and thou shalt have the blessing to see the winding up scene of this generation; peace and tranquility restored to man. Thy blessing shall be handed down to thy posterity from generation to generation, and thou shalt have the blessing to return to the land of thine inheritance. And thou shalt have the blessing to see Ephraim crowned, and to wait upon the table in a day when a feast of fat things are prepared.
Thou shalt sing the song of the redeemed. And I ask God my Heavenly Father to enlighten thy mind, to guide thee in the days of thy youth, and lead thee in the path of piety and virtue all the days of thy life, and when thy Savior shall make His second advent crowns of glory shall be sealed upon thy head, and let the honor and glory be given to God and the Lamb, forever and ever, amen and amen.”
Times were hard and we were very destitute, having been robbed and driven from our homes and possessions so many times, and having had much sickness after we came to Nauvoo, and being afflicted in various ways, consequently we were reduced to extreme poverty. Mother was good at turning her hand to almost anything. She got an old stock, such as men wore at their necks at that time, ripped it up to learn how it was made, and then obtained a block and went to work making stocks to sell. In that way she earned a little to keep her family. My sister Eliza and myself were the oldest of the children, and it seemed necessary that we should do something toward earning a living.
Eliza had learned the tailor’s trade while in Far West, and was a good seamstress; she had no difficulty in obtaining work; but I, what could I do? I had learned to wash dishes, to sweep and scrub a puncheon floor, and such like things, and the only chance that seemed to be for me was to go out to work. We would think and talk upon this subject day after day, and I think I cried a little, for the thought of having to leave home to me was terrible. While things, with us, were in this condition, Sister Emma sent for me to come and live with her and nurse her baby. It seemed as if the Lord had opened up my way, it was so unexpected, and nothing could have suited me better for tending babies was my delight. My sister Eliza, also, went there to live, which made it pleasanter for me and more home-like. Joseph and Emma were very kind to us; they were almost like a father and mother, and I loved Emma and the children, especially the baby, little Don Carlos.
They gave me the privilege of attending a school that summer, taught by Brother and Sister Howard Coray. This was the last of my going to school. What little education I have got I received in the log cabin schools, as we were roaming about, being driven from place to place; but I have gained an experience that money cannot purchase.
On the 15th of August, 1841, the baby, Don Carlos, died. John C. Bennett made it his home at the prophet’s house at this time. He was thought to be quite a great man, and had considerable influence for good; but afterwards turned traitor, and sought to injure Brother Joseph by publishing falsehoods. He secretly worked for his destruction, and once, when the Nauvoo Legion were having a sham battle, he laid his plan to have the prophet slain, but Brother Joseph detected it, and frustrated his wicked design.
The first intimation I had from Brother Joseph that there was a pure and holy order of plural marriage, was in the spring of 1842, but I was not married until 1843. I was married to him on the 11th of May, 1843, by Elder James Adams. Emma was present. She gave her free and full consent. She had always up to this time, been very kind to me and my sister Eliza, who was also married to the Prophet Joseph Smith with Emma’s consent; but ever after she was our enemy. She used every means in her power to injure us in the eyes of her husband, and before strangers, and in consequence of her abuse we were obliged to leave the city to gratify her, but things were overruled otherwise, and we remained in Nauvoo. My sister Eliza found a home with the family of Brother Joseph Coolidge, and I went to live with Sister Sylvia Lyons. She was a good woman, and one of the lord’s chosen few. Emma, about this time, gave her husband two other wives—Maria and Sarah Lawrence.
Early in the spring of 1843 the Young Gentlemen and Ladies’ Relief Society was organized. Brother Joseph gives a short sketch of the rise of that society.
. . . After the prophet’s death, I again entered into plural marriage. I was married to President Brigham Young according to the law of proxy, and received my blessings in the Temple at Nauvoo. I had one son born in Nauvoo; he was name Edward Partridge Young Smith. The Saints were again driven from their homes, and I crossed the Mississippi River about the middle of February, 1846, and was again without home or shelter, an outcast and a wanderer in the dreary wilderness, without even the necessaries of life. My babe was about three months old. I was not quite twenty-two, and had been driven, with the Saints of God, by mobs, four times, and all for my religion.
- End -
Complete Woman’s Exponent references for the series:
13:13:102–3 (1 Dec 1884); 13:14:105–6 (15 Dec 1884); 13:15:114 (1 Jan 1885); 13:16:122 (15 Jan 1885); 13:17:129–30 (1 Feb 1885); 13:18:138 (15 Feb 1885); 13:19:145–46 (1 Mar 1885); 13:20:154 (15 Mar 1885); 13:21:166–67 (1 Apr 1885); 13:22:169–70 (15 Apr 1885); 13:24:187 (15 May 1885); 14:1:3 (1 Jun 1885); 14:2:10 (15 Jun 1885); 14:3:17–18 (1 Jul 1885); 14:4:26 (15 Jul 1885); 14:5:37–38 (1 Aug 1885); 14:6:43 (15 Aug 1885)