Verses composed by Edward Partridge
Come, let us all unite and sing
before we bow in prayer
And praise the Lord, our heavenly King
and thus our hearts prepare.
Oh may our minds be drawn away
From worldly cares just now
That we may worship thee, our God,
While at thy feet we bow.
We’ll pay our morning sacrifice
To Thee in Jesus’ name
For Mercies shown the night that’s past
And thank Thee for the same.
Now while we worship at thy feet
And praise Thee for the past.
We ask the Lord to bless us still
From oldest to the least.
Oh, let thy blessings shower around
By day and also night
Not only us but all thy saints
Who in thy law delight.
Oh may out days be lengthened out
As long as we desire
Then we, Elijah like, arise
In chariots of fire.
I will now express some of my feelings to you and the children in the following lines. E. P.
This word to one and all I say
You’re near me, though you’re far away
And notwithstanding this the case
Erelong I hope to see your face
And once more take you by the hand
And also others in that land.
I also hope with you to stand
Upon the consecrated land
Where long I hope that we may dwell
In peace and plenty, so farewell
Until you hear from me again
Your loving husband I remain
And also loving father, too,
And this I bid you all adieu.
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
Hymns (1985), 41
(Included in the first LDS hymbook, 1835)
Let Zion in her beauty rise;
Her light begins to shine.
Ere long her King will rend the skies,
Majestic and divine,
The gospel spreading thru the land,
A people to prepare
To meet the Lord and Enoch’s band,
Triumphant in the air.
Ye heralds, sound the golden trump
To earth’s remotest bond.
Go spread the news from pole to pole
In all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above,
With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save,
His enemies subdue.
That glorious rest will then commence
Which prophets did foretell,
When Saints will reign with Christ on earth,
And in his presence dwell
A thousand years, oh, glorious day!
Dear Lord, prepare my heart
To stand with thee on Zion’s mount
And nevermore to part.