Commencing on the 25th day of April, 1818 at which time he left his home in Painesville, Beauga Co., Ohio on a trip to Mackinaw Island, and Green Bay until his return on July 31, 1818, consisting of 12 manuscript pages.
Also, an account of the travels and ministry of Edward Partridge commencing on January 27, 1835 at which time he left his home in Clay Co., Missouri; his travels to Kirtland, his missions to the eastern and new England states, his return to Kirtland, his participation in the ordering of the Church and the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, and his return to Clay Co., Missouri on June 6, 1836; his dealings with the people of Liberty concerning the heavy influx of Saints to the area. Consisting of 50 manuscript pages, the latter part of the journal missing.
On the 25th of April 1818, I left Painsville for Mackinous. Sunday the 26th went on board in the morning. At evening hoisted sail under a light land breeze.
Monday 27th – Little or no wind.
Tuesday morn 28th – wind rose, anchored off Cleveland; wind on shore at evening. Hauled a little more favorable so we weighed anchor and the next morning, Wednesday, the 29th, were off Black River point. Wind ahead stood over for Canada shore.
Thursday 30th were in sight of the Island. Light wind but fair. Ran under Point la Blait to get wood; being a little careless we ran on a smooth rock but without much difficulty got off some wood whirling wind 5 or 6 hours then rose fair passed the Island made middle sister lay too till morn.
Friday 1st of May – wind rose, passed Malden about 8 o”clock morn and at 1 o”clock we were at Detroit. We lay at Detroit till the next Friday during which time there were very high winds, attended with snow and rain – one of the most sudden changes of wind I ever knew happened while we lay here. The wind blew apparently a gale up the river; all of a sudden it died away, and in the course of half a minute it blew equally as hard down – the cause of our lying so long in Detroit was because they said that Lake Huron was full of ice, but we concluded that it was only a story. Accordingly on Friday morning, the 8th we left Detroit with fair wind and got into Lake St. Clear. The wind whirled every way but at evening we anchored just below Unon Flats.
Saturday 9th – was a beautiful morn – no wind. Spent the day in staking the channel out, discovered considerable ice.
Sunday 10th – the wind not being fair we lay at our anchor till noon. When the wind hauld we went to the mouth of the river St. Clear, but could not enter for the channel was full of ice.
Soon the wind rose so high as to blow the ice partly on one side while we run up in the vacancy 3 miles to point DeShone when the ice stopped us. We came to anchor under point DeShone (on Herson Island) and luckily for us the river ran full of ice (the small eddy where we lay overfled). The next morn which was Monday 11th, ice was seen to run from 1 to 8 feet out of water and lay here ‘till Thursday morn 14th, the river still running full of ice. The river began to rise and we soon observed that the ice was jammed from the mouth up nearly to where we lay. The wind blowing the ice a little from the shore so as to give us room, we weighed anchor and ran up about two miles.
The river continued to run full of ice ‘till Monday, the 18th , scattering ice and wind ahead ‘till Wednesday 20th a light breeze hoisted sail. While we were detained by ice, we spent our time hunting and other recreation but this I did not enjoy as I should for I was almost sick enough to be confined to my bed, but now I am hearty again and we are under easy sail just making a little headway against a four knot current. Last night the wind died away and we came to anchor about 5 miles below Ft. Grashet (Gratiot - Pt. Huron)
Friday 22nd – a fine morning. About 8 o’clock a cake of ice came along that we judged would cover 2 or 3 acres. Our anchor lay in about 15 feet of water. The ice struck on and jammed the anchor all over in the mud. The shock parted the cake and what was in shore stuck on the ground. We all went on the cake and took a drink of whisky. In the P.M., the wind arose and we ran up opposite Ft. Grashet and came to anchor.
Saturday 23rd – wind ahead, ice continuing to run. 1 o’clock, wind came fair and we went on our course.
Sunday 24th – 12 o’clock passed point DeBark. Saw no more in whirling winds. (DeBark– Aux Barques)
Monday 25th – Passed Thunder Bay Island at 6 o’clock A.M., light and whirling winds.
Tuesday 26th – in the morning discovered Mackinaw - in the P.M. the fog was so thick that when within 2 miles of the island we could not see it. At 11 o’clock P.M. we came to anchor in the Bay.
Wednesday 27th – It was so foggy that we could not see the shore although we were within 30 rods of it.
Thursday and Friday – it rained, nothing of importance occurred.
Saturday 30th – in the morning we set sail for Green Bay with light fair winds. At noon we passed Point Wabashoni. Winds ahead – at evening the wind howled and we lay our course. Passed the Grand Traverse.
Sunday 31st – quite fair, at 7 o’clock passed Fox Island. This lake which is Michigan appears so far to be quite full of Islands. These Islands appear, many of them high and quite sandy. At sunset we made Washington Harbor, the entrance of Green Bay. The mouth of this bay appears to be full of Islands 20 or 40 miles ahead.
Monday June 1st – morning– ran under fore sail, passed a reef of rocks at 7 o’clock. Passed Grand Island and half past 9, then passed Green island. The fog came on and within a half hour the winds died, so we set all sail at sundown, one hand on the flats.
Tuesday 2nd – morning weighed anchor and soon ran aground; it hung very high tide. The water fell and left us hand and foot.
Wednesday 3rd – in the afternoon we got soldiers and hauled off and made into the channel.
Thursday 4th – with much difficulty got up to the fort. This channel is a very difficult one lear entered. 5 or 6 miles from the mouth of Fox River and the channel is very crooked. Fort Howard is pleasantly situated on the bank of Fox river. It is built of picquet but sufficiently strong to impede the Indians. Stayed a week.
Thursday 11th – weighed anchor, fair wind. Passed about half way over the bar. Wind came ahead, but out of the flats; lightly touched once, made the rid Banks and came to anchor.
Friday and Saturday – lay at anchor– almost a gale.
Sunday 14th – pleasant morning, light wind. Hoisted sale and stood on our course. Toward evening wind came ahead.
Monday 15th – morning head winds ran under the lee of a small island which made an elegant harbor named Eatons. Went ashore and hunted and fished in the afternoon. The wind was fair and we stood our course.
Tuesday 16th – morning appointed Washington Harbor; wind arose with the sun and became a fine breeze. We made Fox Island at 2 o’clock. Passed the Grand Travern at 4 o’clock.
Wednesday 17th – arrived at Mackinaw at 8 A.M.
Thursday – arrived upwards of 60 canoe loads of Indians.
Friday 19th – they all got drunk.
Saturday 20th – had a war dance through the town. Nothing of consequence happened until Monday the 29th at which time I opened shop with very unfavorable prospects.
July 4th – was a high day in the fort, but I did not enjoy it as I heretofore have done owing to prospects in business.
Saturday 18th – they shot from the fort a number of bombs and shot which whistled over the town. The bombs went about 1 and a half miles and burst in the air. The shot went about 2 miles and struck the water.
Wednesday 22nd – at 6 o’clock P.M. we set sail for home on board the Decator. At dusk we passed point of Boblo (Bois Blanc).
Thursday 23rd – whirling winds and squally. At last it became fair at 5 P.M.; we passed Presquish, and at 7 o’clock we passed M. Island (Presque Isle) at dusk, then passed Thunder Bay Islands.
Friday 24th – at 4 in the morning, passed Point Debark. In the afternoon, wind came ahead.
25th – at sundown we passed Ft. Grashet and ran down 4 or 5 miles and came to anchor.
26th – Sunday – little or no wind. Hoisted anchor and floated to the mouth then came to anchor.
27th – light wind ran through the flats. Wind arose as we entered the Detroit River at 5 o’clock. At 7 o’clock we arrived at the city of Detroit.
28th – In the morning I put my things on board the Washington and at 10 o’clock we set sail. Wind ahead. Passed Maldin at 5 P.M.
29th – Ran under Bass Island till the morning of the 30th when we took in Batan, then set sail Friday Morning off Cleveland, and at 8 came to anchor at Grand River.
End of this diary
I started from my home in Clay Co., Mo., on the 27th of January, 1835, traveled 10 or 12 miles and lodged with Bro. Morley. On Wednesday the 29th, I was joined by Bro. Thomas B. Marsh as a partner in the ministry. We traveled about 8 miles and lodged at Bro. Head’s.
The 29th it snowed all day. We traveled 14 miles and lodged at Joseph E. Akers at worldlings.
The 30th the snow was about 4 inches deep, about noon we arrived at Lexington, Lafayette Co. We tried for a meeting but found that they did not wish to hear; we also tried where we lodged the night before. We left Lexington and went six miles further, in all 13, and lodged at Bro. Loveless’.
The 31st, we started south to the saline road and tried for a meeting a number of times, passed a very hard settlement and lodged with John Ramsay of the Christian Order having come about 7 miles.
Feb 1 – Sunday – tried for a meeting a number of times but could not get one, traveled about 9 miles and lodged at Mr. Prigmores on Black Water.
The 2nd we crossed a 12 mile prairie but could not get a meeting. Traveled in all 15 miles and were kindly entertained by a Mr. J. Hall, an elder among the Cumberland Presbyterians. This was in Pettis Co.
The 3rd was very cold. We traveled 7 miles, passed the La Main and was invited to stay overnight by Mr. Wm. Scott, a C Presbyterian who after a little said he would try to get the people together. Some 5 or 6 came in. Bro. M. lead and I followed in a short address. This was Cooper Co.
The 4th we stopped a number of times with a view to try for a meeting, but we found no men at home and did not make ourselves known. Traveled 19 miles and lodged with Bro. J. Sherman.
The 5th read the scriptures and in the evening preached at Bro. S’s., upon the subject of the blessings to be conferred on those who delight in the law of the Lord. Bro. M. followed.
The 6th was very cold insomuch that we were advised not to attend to our appointment in Boonville in the evening and word was given out that the meeting would be deferred.
The 7th we were told that early in the morning the thermometer stood 22 degrees below zero, at 9 o’clock it stood at 18. Last Tuesday morning it was said to stand at 12 below which was about as cold as we could bear and travel through the prairies. We feel very thankful that now while it is so extremely cold we have a comfortable and welcome home at Bro. Shermans.
The 8th (Sunday) was still cold. He had an appointment for preaching but there were so few came in that we did not preach. I had a cold settled on my lungs so that I could hardly speak aloud.
The 9th we spent the day in reading and meditating, and in the evening held a meeting in Boonville in a large schoolhouse, and Bro. Marsh preached to an attentive congregation. I was so hoarse that I did not attempt to speak. We made an appointment for the morrow evening, the 10th, but were disappointed in the meeting, the house being wanted for a singing school.
The 11th we left Bro. Shermans, passed over the Missouri on the ice to New Franklin; tried for a meeting but could not get the schoolhouse, the only comfortable place, because an old fashioned Presbyterian had the care of it and informed us that he did not bid us God’s speed. We left Franklin for Salt River and traveled 12 miles, making 15 in all, and lodged with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton of the Christian order.
The 12th we got up a meeting at 12 o’clock and about 20 or 25 came in. I preached to them and Bro. Marsh followed in a short address. The congregation was attentive, but on presenting our petition, not one manifested a disposition to sign it. We went on 6 miles and lodged with a Mr. Hackers, a nonprofessor, and talked a great deal with him.
The 13th we traveled 25 miles and lodged with a Campbellite. Started early on the 14th and traveled about 35 miles and reached the Salt River Church at night, very tired. This Church contains 40 members.
Sunday the 15th – Marsh preached and I followed in a short address.
16th – Visited among the brethren.
17th – I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. The Church appeared to be doing very well, we found no difficulties among the brethren of any account.
18th – visited and still taught the brethren from house to house.
The 19th we left the brethren at Salt River and started for the Fabii Church. We missed our way, traveled 8 miles, and found an opening to preach at a Mr. Thomas Brashere’s, a man who had belonged to the regular Baptists. Bro. Marsh preached in the evening and I followed in a short exhortation. After meeting it was proposed by one of the neighbors, a Mr. Young, that we should stay and hold a meeting on Sunday at his house; accordingly we agreed to tarry.
The 20th I spent my time in reading and meditating.
The 21st we went and viewed a number of mounds. There were 6 or 8 in a line a short distance apart, and there was the appearance of a road leading from or past the Id mounds. Mr. Young told us that he had followed it about two miles, and it was lost in a prairie. He told us of another ancient road not far off that was very plain for 10 miles. It was worn or cut down and he said in some places 6 or 8 feet, and was from 12 to 20 feet wide, and was very straight. We also visited 2 or 3 heaps of stone, one of which had the appearance of having been laid up 6 or 8 square, say 15 feet across, with an opening in the center. It was on the point of a high hill, at the foot of which a large spring ran out. We judged that one or two of these heaps of stone were formerly alters for offering sacrifices to the Lord.
In coming from Florida, here we passed some 5 or 6 mounds in a row. We also passed two large ones on the east side of La Mien, these were situated on an elevated beautiful spot of ground, about ¼ of a mile apart, and we judged there had been a tremendous battle, and that the mounds were made by the slain, each party piling up their dead by themselves and so making the two mounds.
Sunday the 22nd, I preached first and after an intermission of 15 minutes, Bro. Marsh preached. The congregation was not large nor very attentive. They appeared quite indifferent to what was said. The morning of the 23rd we started for our Brn. on the Fabii; it was very wet and muddy traveling, it having rained and thawed so as to make quite a freshet insomuch that most of the streams were broken up since we left the Salt River Church. We passed through Palmyra, a smart pleasant village, of near 1000 inhabitants, just before night. Passed on about 4 miles and lodged with a Mr. McLenay , an old fashioned Presbyterian, and very genteel family. We came in all this day about 30 miles.
The 24th we traveled 6 miles before breakfast and arrived at Bro. Square Bazarth’s. We had to have washing done; accordingly we concluded to stay the next day and hold a meeting.
The 25th came but it was so cold that none came to the meeting.
The 26th we went to Gather Leggs, 4 miles and notified an evening meeting. A few came in and I preached first then Bro. Marsh spoke at some length.
The 27th was pleasant in the morning but grew colder. We left Father Leggs and went to the Mississippi, 6 miles. Bro. Legg gave us 50 cents to pay our ferraige and we fond that we needed it. The ferryman wanted to charge us one dollar, it being bad crafting, but however, we got over for 50 cents, traveled on 10 miles making it all this day 17, and lodged with a Mr. Harrison.
The 28th was very cold. We went 12 miles and called on a Mr. Curl, a Campbellite preacher in hopes of getting a meeting, but in this we failed. Spent two or three hours with him then went on six miles. In all, 18 this day, and put up at a Mr. Davis’, a Baptist.
March 1st Sunday – we had a meeting at half past 2. Bro. Marsh preached and was quite lengthy so that I had not time to say much. No more meetings wanted here.
The 2nd I started for Rushville, 22 miles. Arrived there at evening and lodged with a Mr. Leonard, a regular Baptist. Tried for a meeting but failed. Rushville is a pleasant flourishing town of about 1000 inhabitants. It lies about 10 miles from the Il. River and is the County seat of Scuyler Co, Quincy the Co. seat of Adams Co. lies on the Miss. River where we crossed it.
The 3rd we went 12 miles to Beardstown (Morgan Co) which lies on the south side of the Illinois River; this place contains about 500 inhabitants. We got a meeting in the evening. Bro. Marsh preached. It was so cold that I did not think it wisdom to detain the congregation longer. We lodged with a Mr. Nelm and breakfasted with a Baptist elder by the name of F. Zugshwertt.
The 4th we went 10 miles to a widow Mc Cord’s where we had been sent on an appointment for a meeting in the evening, some 20 or 30 collected. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. We had a very good meeting.
The 5th we traveled about 13 miles to the Indian creek settlement and stopped at Mr. Samuel Brackman’s, a Campbellite, and got a meeting for the evening, quite a number came in. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed in laying before them more fully the gospel.
The 6th we traveled about 18 miles to a forsaken village by the name of Sangamon. We called on the postmaster, who after a little reluctance, said he would call the people together. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. The congregation was attentive. We lodged with James Shepherd.
The 7th we went 7 miles to Springfield, the county town for Sangamon Co. It is one of the largest towns in the State containing about 1500 inhabitants. We tried to get a meeting but the way did not appear to open and we went on 5 miles (in all 12 this day) to a brothers by the name of Cline. We obtained a place for a meeting for the morrow.
Sunday the 8th, we met at 12 at the house of a Mr. John Fordens. Bro. Marsh preached to a large congregation of attentive hearers. Notified a meeting for evening–the house was full again and I preached, and Bro. Marsh followed in a short address.
The 9th we tried once for a meeting but had no success. Went 25 miles to Bro. Evan Obanions on the flat branch and lodged with him. Here was a church of 16 members.
The 10th I wrote a letter to my wife. In the evening the brethren came together and I preached to them and Bro. Marsh followed.
The 11th I got my boots mended and visited among the brethren.
The 12th we visited among the brethren and taught wherein I thought them in error in some things. In the evening we had or attended a prayer meeting. Bro. Marsh taught them the brn considerable, and also preached to some worldlings who came in. I also exhorted them.
The 13th, the feeling that the brethren would get along without our tarrying longer, we started on. Traveled over a 20 mile prairie, went in all 29 miles and lodged with Mr. Suttons one mile west of Shelbysville.
The 14th we went into Shelbysville, called on a Mr. Bela who said we might tarry with him, so that we could hold a meeting tomorrow.
Sunday the 15th we met in the courthouse at noon; had a tolerable congregation as to size. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed in a short address. I went home with a Mr. T. Lee and lodged. Shelbysville is a small town, say 200 or 300 inhabitants, and seat of justice for Shelby Co.
the 16th we went 10 miles to a Mr. J. Cutlers. Having an appointment, sent ahead for a meeting at his house in the evening; a house full came in. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. Had a good meeting, but no invitation to preach again.
The 17th we traveled up the Okau River 25 miles and called on Mr. Gruel who kept a public house. He was a Baptist. When he found that we believed in the Book of Mormon, his wife and he both said that they would not entertain us. I told them that I would be glad to lay by the fire and would work for him if he would let me stay, but all would not do. We started out – he said he hated to turn us out of doors. It was dark and we knew not where to go, but we went about 1 mile and found a house. It was Mr. Jacob More’s, with him we lodged.
The 18th we crossed a 12 mile prairie where there was no road and came to a settlement in the Ambrau. Having gotten no meeting yesterday, we were resolved to get one today if possible. We tried from house to house for 3 miles. A Mr. Sm. Richmond opened his doors. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed. Before meeting we went down to the Ambrau and washed our feet and bore testimony to the Lord.
The 19th we started for Bro. John H. Reed’s on the little Vermillion. Fell in company with an ox wagon and rode considerable on the way. We arrived at Bro. Reed’s before night, 25 miles; appointed a meeting for 2 o’clock tomorrow.
The 20th a few came in and Bro Marsh preached and I followed. Bro. Marsh, having preached here 3 years ago, and feeling that his work was not done when he left, he thought it his duty to preach again to the people.
The 21st we went to the church near Eugene, Vermillion Co., Iowa. Got wet before we got to the brethren. During the night snow fell about 6 or 8 inches.
Sunday the 22nd we met with the brethren. Being requested I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. Made an appointment for Tuesday.
The 23rd we spent the day with Bro. Lewis Zabriskie who got my boots mended and also washed for me.
The 24th we went to meeting. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed in a short address. Went home with Bro. Levi Jones. Eugene church contains 55 members.
The 25th we held a conference at Bro. Lewis Zabriskie’s. Present were 2 high priests and 6 elders. Myself and Bro. Marsh instructed the elders respecting their duty.
The 27th – I attended to the investigation of a case of difficulty in the Church, did not decide the case, but concluded to take the minutes to Kirtland and if right, lay the case before the High Council. Yesterday night, I, Brothers Morley and C. Beebe arrived at this church. I was really glad to see them. A few miles northeast of Charleston Cole Co., Ill. They preached a number of times and left a people very much believing, though none joined.
The 28th spent the day among the brethren.
Sunday the 29th I preached to the brethren. Brothers Morley and Beebe followed after a short intermission. Bro. Marsh made a few observations and broke bread, 14 only of the church took bread.
The 30th we left the church at Eugene and went to Perrysville, 7 miles up the Wabash, crossed over and went 1 ½ miles to a Bro. Webb’s. Held a meeting in the evening at his brother -in-law’s, a Mr. Wm. Dickerson. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed in a long address. The congregation was small but attentive. This is in Fountain Co, Ia.
The 31st we went on 20 miles and lodged with a Mr. Small, a Cumberland P. He kept a tavern but did not charge us for supper and lodging. We were charged for our breakfast by a Mrs. Butt.
April 1st we went 12 miles to Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co., Ia., a Co. town of about 1000 inhabitants so said, though I rather doubted it. Found no one willing to take us in and get up a meeting. Started east, went 3 ½ miles, and put up with a Mr. Enoch Moore who notified a meeting. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed. After, a Baptist elder got up and made a few observations and stated that he had partly read the Book of Mormon, and that it was the most consummate nonsense he ever read, that it would not compare with the story about Robinson Crusoe.
The 2nd we traveled 20 miles to Leganon, the County town for Boon County. Lodged and held a meeting at a Mr. Patterson’s, a tavern. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed. A universalist preacher arose and made objections. I answered him, he objected again. Bro. Marsh answered him, he objected again, then I dismissed the meeting.
The 3rd, we traveled 24 miles to Nobbsville and lodged with Mr. Mahin. This is the Co. seat for Hamilton Co. Got no meeting.
The 4th we went 24 miles to Anderson town the County seat for Madison County. Got no meeting. Went on 6 miles, in all 30 this day, to West Union. Put up at Mr. Wm. Delts.
Sunday the 5th it rained and we did not attempt to travel and we got no meeting.
The 6th, went 14 miles to Munceytown the County town for Delaware County. Passed on 12 miles more and lodged with a Mr. Andrew Die.
the 7th we went 12 miles to Winchester Co., town of Randolph Co., and stopped at Bro. Oliver Walker’s. A meeting was notified, and Bro. Marsh preached. I followed in a short exhortation.
The 8th we had some washing done. At evening met in the courthouse. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed in a short address.
The 9th we went 14 miles east to a brothers by the name of Joel Cazad; tarried overnight.
The 10th we went to Greenville to see our Brother who was at work there. Did not get a meeting but returned to Bro. Cazads with him to fulfill our appointments.
The 11th – I was quite unwell and have been ever since I came to Brother Cazads. Had a meeting in the evening. Bro. Marsh preached and I followed in a short address.
Sunday the 12th I was quite sick, so as to keep my bed most of the day. Had a meeting at 3 o’clock. Mr. Marsh preached, the congregation last night and today was large.
The 13th we started from Brother Cazads and went 25 miles and put up at a friend Quakers by the name of Alexander Mills – Greenville is the Co. seat of Dark Co.
The 14th we went 6 miles to Troy, the Co. seat for Miami Co. Went 21 miles further and lodged with a Mr. Keifer.
The 15th we went to Springfield, a large and flourishing town, the County seat for Clark County. Passed on ten miles, in all 14 miles, and stopped at Mr. Nortons, gave out an appointment for a meeting. I preached and Bro. Marsh followed in an address. I went and lodged with a Mr. Thompson yesterday morning and this also was quite cold, ice near ½ and inch thick.
The 16th it snowed. We traveled 32 ½ miles to Franklin, Franklin Co., and put up at a tavern.
The 17th we went half a mile to Columbus and breakfasted with a Sister Rudd, Bro. Rudd being not at home. We left Columbus and went 24 miles and put up two miles north of Sunbury.
The 18th we went 10 miles to James Marsh’s in Bemington township, Delaware County.
The 19th was Sunday. At 2 o’clock I preached and Bro. Marsh followed in a short address. At candle light, Bro. Marsh preached, people not much believing.
The 20th we went 16 miles to Frederick Knox Co., passed on 9 ½ miles and put up at a Mr. John Shields in Worthington township, Richland Co.
The 21st we traveled 27 miles and put up at a Widow Warners 3 miles west of Wooster, Wayne Co.
The 22nd we passed through Wooster and went 2 miles north of Medina, Medina Co. In all 29 miles this day – put up at a Mr. A. White’s.
The 23rd we went 26 miles to Cleveland and found my friends well.
The 24th Bro. Marsh went on to Kirtland, and I tarried with my connections.
The 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th I tarried at Cleveland, being lame.
The 29th I came to Kirtland, and found it a general time of health.
I tarried at Kirtland a few days and then went forth to see to some temporal business and visit my relatives. I preached once in Gustavus, once in Kirtland, and once in Painesville. Agreeably to the decision of a council that Bro. Morley and myself should visit the churches in the east and obtain donations for the poor saints, and also to counsel the Brethren. We started on the 2nd of June and went 25 miles to Unionville and stayed at Mr. Lees.
The 3rd passed on to Springfield, Penn., 32 miles. Attended a meeting and heard Brothers Carter and Hancock preach. We tarried with Bro. Hartshort.
The 4th we went 11 miles to Elk Creek Church and stayed with Bro. J. Sagers, of Gerard township, two nights and a day.
The 6th we went back to Springfield.
Sunday the 7th I preached in the forenoon, and Bro. Morley spoke in the afternoon and broke bread, 12 or 15 partook. We lodged with Bro. J. Dewolf.
The 8th we went back to Bro. Sagers and held a meeting. Bro. Morley preached first, then I preached and broke bread to 12 or 15. Went home and tarried with a Bro. Marshal Turner.
The 9th we traveled on east about 30 miles, and stopped one mile south of the ridge road at a Mr. Orange Thompson’s. A meeting was appointed for the next evening. When the time came, I preached, and Bro. Morley followed in a short address, but few attended and they are not very anxious.
The 10th we passed on to the Westfield Church, 20 miles.
The 11th and 12th we visited the brethren and found them doing very well.
The 13th was Sunday and we met with the brethren. I preached in the forenoon, and Bro. Morley preached in the afternoon and broke bread to about 5.
The 15th we went on 16 miles to Leona village to Brother Edmund Fisher’s and tarried with him overnight.
The 16th we went 15 miles to Freeman Nickerson’s. I preached at his house.
The 17th we visited the brethren, and Bro. Morley and I both preached at Bro. Reuben McBrides.
The 18th we attended a church meeting at Bro. Samuel McBride’s. Bro Morley and I both spoke.
The 19th we went 12 miles to Lodi Village. It rained very hard. We tarried some time, then went on 1½ miles and stopped at a Mr. Daniel Laphams. It rained very hard all day. We tarried overnight.
The 20th we went through Springville and Arcade to Freedom, 32 miles to Brothers Cowdery and Hydes.
Sunday the 21st, I preached in the forenoon, and Bro. Morley preached in the afternoon, and broke bread. I attended a prayer meeting at evening.
The 22nd, we went 5 miles to Bro. Enoch Sanborn’s and tarried overnight.
The 23rd we went 5 miles to Bro Frazier Eaton’s of Rushford.
The 25th we held a meeting a Bro. Eaton’s. I took the lead. Bro. Morley also spoke at both meetings.
The 27th Bro. Morley went to hold a meeting at Holland.
The 28th Sunday– I preached to a large and attentive congregation.
The 29th we went 25 miles to Portland to Bro. Wm. Mark’s. I found Ender Green here and was about to go to the waters of baptism. I accompanied them to the water and saw 3 emersed, and attended a prayer meeting in the evening.
The 30th we attended a meeting with Bro Green after which he baptized two, worthy brethren no doubt.
July 1st we went 8 miles to Grove, a church of about 16 members. Stayed with Bro. Elder Walters.
The 2nd, we went to Burns, a church of about 30 members. Six to eight miles there is a small church of 7 members in Chetaugara Hollow partly between Burns and Portage. Bro. Morley tarried at Burns to hold a meeting Sunday.
The 3rd I went back to Grove to hold a two day meeting.
The 4th I preached to the brethren and sisters.
Sunday the 5th we had a schoolhouse full. We had 3 or 4 sermons. I preached among the rest. We had a good meeting.
The 6th we went to Portage and from thence 27 miles to Genesee Church to Alva Beeman’s in Avon.
The 7th we went to Palmyra, about 36 or 8 miles and lodged with Bro. Martin Harris. We passed the Hill Cumorah about 3 miles south of Palmyra. It is a hill perhaps 100 feet high running from a trifle west of north to a little east of south. The north end breaks off very square, and when from a distance we view it the sides appear steep like the roof of a house.
The 8th we went within 3 miles of Jordon, about 40 miles and lodged with a Mr. Crin.
The 9th we went 3 miles to Jordon to my brother, Oliver’s.
The 10th we went 18 miles to my brother, William’s at Onondaga, tarried there the 11th and 12th.
On Monday, the 13th, we started for Massachusetts. We went about 35 miles and put up at a Mr. Marshal’s, 2 miles east of Vernon village.
The 14th we went through Whitesboro and Utica. We traveled about 40 miles and put up at one Smiths, south side of the Mohawk.
The 15th, we traveled about 38 miles and put up at a Mr. Cob’s, 11 miles west of Schenectady.
The 16th we went through Schenectady and Albany and passed on and put up at a Mr. Griffiths. Made about 40 miles this day.
The 17th we went 25 miles and arrived at Father’s about noon; four my friends well.
The 20th and 22nd, wrote letters to Bro. Phelps and my wife.
The 23rd I preached in the schoolhouse to an attentive congregation.
The 26th, Sunday evening, I preached in the schoolhouse to a large congregation.
The 30th, I preached again to a small congregation, at the same place.
Aug. 11, I started from my father’s to go east. I passed through Dalton, Windsor, Cuminton, 23 miles and stayed at a Mr. Fuller’s.
The 12th, I passed through Goshen, Williamsburg, Whately, Sunderland and Montague, and stayed at Mr. Otis Gunn’s, 12 ½ miles.
The 13th we went 7 miles to the church in Wendell and visited among the brethren.
Sunday the 16th, I preached twice to the brethren. This church has 17 members.
The 18th we went to Montague and visited round with Bro. Morley. While I remained at my father’s, I went to work helping my brothers get their hay and earned 5 or 6 dollars. Bro. Morley in the meantime was visiting his friends at Bro. Elias Harris, a priest who has charge of the church at Wendell.
The 21st, left Montague and went to Prescott and stayed at Mr. E. Hanson’s; 15 miles.
The 22nd we went 45 miles to Grafton through Greenville, Paxton, Worcester, and a number of other villages, and stayed at Mr. Calvin Clisbee’s over Sunday.
The 24th, passed the railroad at Westboro, went through Southboro to Marlboro, 15 miles and stayed at Mr. John Clisbee’s one day.
The 26th, went through Concord to Lowal, 29 miles, and stayed at Mr. Lyman Clisbee’s. There are about 7000 or 8000 girls and 24 factories, said to be in this place. There is a canal and a railroad from Boston to here.
The 28th, we went through Andover and in sight of Haverhill to Bradford east village about 20 miles. Church a little south of the village and contains about 20 members.
The 30th we visited the brethren.
30th Sunday, I preached twice and Bro. Morley once.
31st, visited and collected donations.
Sept. 1st we went through Amesbury, Exeter & Durham to Dover, about 40 miles, and stayed at Bro. Jno. Hailes. Dover contains 5 or 6000 inhabitants, but about 5 or 6 disciples.
Sept, we passed through Berwick, Wells, Kennebunk and Saco, about 44 miles to the Church about 6 or 8 miles North of Saco. This church contains about 57 members.
The 3rd at evening attended a meeting, Elder J. Bonyton preached. Bro. Morley and myself made a few observations.
The 4th and 5th we spent in visiting the church and fixing our wagon.
Sunday, the 6th, I preached in the forenoon, and Bro. Morley in the afternoon.
The 7th we went through Graham, Gray, and stayed in Minot, 44 miles.
The 8th we passed through Jay to Farmington, 80 miles. This church numbers about 32, Sylvester Stoddard elder.
The 9th we visited the brethren.
The 10th, we held a meeting. Bro. Morley took the lead and I followed.
The 11th, we went through Dixfield and Rumford point to Newry about 40 miles.
The 12th, we went to Letter B., 18 miles, the Church contains 25 members, Daniel Bean elder.
Sunday the 13th, I preached in the forenoon and Bro. Morley and H. Aldrich preached in the afternoon.
The 14th, we went 12 miles to Errol and held a meeting. Bro. Morley led and I followed. This church numbers 20. Benj. Sweat priest has the charge.
The 15th we back to the B. Church and held a meeting. Bro. Aldrich opened the meeting, I followed, and Bro Morley followed me.
The 16th we went back to Newry. We were asked by a young man with tears in his eyes if we would go to the water and baptize him. We repaired to the water and baptized him. His name was Perrigreen Sessions – this makes 26 in this church.
The 17th we held a meeting, Bro. Morley led and I followed. We preached very long, broke bread and confirmed Bro. Perrigreen.
The 18th we crossed the Andrewscoggin, passed Bethel Hill, Gilead and Shelburn; left the river and went up to R11-Evans in Randolph, 30 miles in all. This was at the north end of the White Mountains. There were two peaks that looked majestic. They appeared at an elevation of 20 or 30 degrees, and looked from 1 to 2 miles off, but we were told that it was 7 miles to the summit. We were on very (or quite) high land.
The 19th we went through Lancaster to Dalton Church, 30 miles. Between 20 and 25 members, Levi Wilder elder
The 22nd we visited among the brethren. This church contains about 40 members. Gardner Snow elder.
The 23rd we went to Charlestown, 27 miles. This church contains about 22 members. Winslow Farr, elder.
The 24th we visited and held a meeting in the evening. Bro. Morley led and I followed.
The 25th we returned to St. Johnsbury and held a meeting in the evening. I led and Bro. Morley followed. Bro Gardner Snow elder.
The 26th, we went to Danville, 10 miles. This church contains about 20 living members and 2 or 3 dead ones. John Badger elder.
The 27th was Sunday. Bro. Morley preached in the forenoon and I preached twice in the afternoon and evening and broke bread. After which I baptized and confirmed a man by the name of Jacob Rust, who had once belonged to the church, and had been an elder, but had withdrawn from the church. He acknowledged his faults and was accepted again.
The 28th we went to Barbet, 17 miles, and stayed at Bro. Mile’s.
The 29th we went through Wells River, Newbury and Co. to Mr. By’s, about 39 miles.
The 30th, we passed White River, and Windsor. Left the river and went through Withers field to Springfield to Mr. J. Griswold’s, about 35 miles. I had a $2.00 Patterson Jersey bill of Mr. Griswold.
Oct. 1st, we went through Chester, to and over, 15 miles. We found the church without an ordained member and living considerably scattered. We tarried with them one day and instructed them respecting their duty. In the afternoon we went over to Windhall, Bennington Co., 12 miles to Brothers John and David Kimble Dustan. This uncle, Samuel, Dustan and wife of Maryland are dead.
The 3rd we went down the mountain, past Manchester and Arlington, to the church in Shaftesbury, about 25 miles. David Bowen Elder. The church numbers about 30 members.
Sunday the 4th was rainy, insomuch the people did not collect, thereupon we did not preach to them. We instructed the elder and a few of the church their duties, and just night we went 12 miles to Woodford to a Brothers by the name of Asahel Hollister.
The 5th we went through Bennington, Williamstown, and Lansborough to Pittsfield, 35 miles. Stayed at my fathers one day , and the 7th bid farewell to my father and mother, probably to see them no more before the resurrection. We went 20 miles to Tyringham and lodged with my sister, the widow Dow.
The 8th, we went to Brother Pliny Foots in Norfolk Conn., 21 miles.
The 9th we went 10 miles to Canaan to Brother Gibson Smith’s, the elder of the church there; the church number 19 members.
The 10th was spent in visiting the brethren.
Sunday, the 11th, I preached in the forenoon, Bro. Morley in the afternoon, and broke bread; and I preached again in the evening. After meeting, a man by the name of Jesse Goodwin requested baptism, and Bro. Morley baptized him the same evening, then we went and tarried with Bro. James Moses.
The 12th we stayed to have a pair of shirts made.
The 13th we went about 15 or 20 miles to my Uncle Adonijah Bidwells in Hillsdale, N.Y.
The 14th we went to Hudson, 17 ½ miles, crossed the river to Athens, went on to the Catskill turnpike and put up 11 miles from Hudson at a Mr. Shavers.
The 15th we crossed the Catskill Mts, passed through Windham and Plattsville at the head of the Delaware, 37 miles, put up at Mr. Montgomery’s.
The 16th we passed the Susquehanna to the Butternuts, about 35 miles. We put up at Mr. J.S. Bergan’s.
The 17th we went through S. New Berlin and Norwich to Sister Bisbee’s, 25 miles, in McDonough.
Sunday the 18th, Bro Morley preached first and I followed. This church contains 10 members.
The 19th we went about 25 miles to Enon Phelps of Homer. Stayed with him overnight.
The 20th we passed through Homer on to Onondaga, 30 miles to my brother, William’s.
The 21st we rested.
The 22nd, we went to Jordon to my brother Oliver’s, 18 miles; here. Bro Morley left me to take the loading we had and go by water.
Accordingly the 23rd I put my things aboard the Vandalia Merchants Line; Capt. Baker; morning of the 24th got to Palmyra, at night I arrived at Rochester
Sunday, the 25th, continued along slowly, and on the morn of the 26th, arrived at Lockport, called on my old shopmate, S.D. Lockwood. At evening we arrived at Buffalo, making in all on the canal 174 miles.
The 27th, we put on board of the steamboat O. Newbury. Capt. Pratt Master, and at 10 o’clock, we started for Fairport, 160 miles. Arrived safe on the 28th and went 3 miles to Painesville.
the 29th, we went to Kirtland, 9 miles.
E. Partridge started the 2nd of June 1835 and returned October 29th having traveled about 2000 miles, held (in company with Elder Morley) about 50 meetings, preached 32 sermons and gave some ½ dozen exhortations. Bro. Morley preached 18 times and also gave a number of short addresses more. We visited 25 or 26 churches whose aggregate number is about 700. We baptized three.
Nov. 3rd I went to Unionville to see Mr. Lee’s folks, returned the 4th.
The 5th I commenced going to school to learn Grammar.
The 7th went to Cleveland to see my friends there, returned the 9th. Commenced school again the 10th. Also finished a letter to my wife and children.
The 12th at evening, commenced board at Elder Lyman Johnson’s, having boarded at Bro. F. G. Williams’ about 9 days.
The 23rd I wrote a letter to my brother, James H. at Shelburne Academy, Franklin Co., Mass.
On Sunday, the 29th, I preached and broke bread in the afternoon to the brethren in Kirtland, after which President Smith bore testimony that Bro. Morley and myself had preached by the spirit and to his satisfaction.
Dec. 6th – Sunday evening I preached at Bro. Lyman’s, 3 or 4 miles east from Kirtland flats.
Dec. 13th – Sunday evening, I preached again at Bro. Lyman’s.
Dec. 27th – Sunday – in the afternoon, I spoke at Kirtland in the afternoon after H. Smith. In the evening between 8 and 9 o’clock I was told by a young girl that she saw my wife and five children, apparently well, the little boy lying on the floor or hearth, she also said that she saw a little dark haired girl at and with Peter Whitmer’s family. The description answered for my Eliza very well as to size, etc. This girl sees by the help of a stone. She told me she saw a seer’s stone for me. It was a small blue stone with a hole in one corner, that it was 6 or 8 feet in the ground, not far from the lake shore, a little west of Buffalo on a hill, a tree growing near the spot. I think she said it was near the point of a hill.
Jan. 1, 1836 – Having gotten a tolerable knowledge of the English Grammar, I this day commence on the Hebrew.
4th – Commenced going to school in the stone house to learn Hebrew.
7th – I attended a council in the evening in the which the Zion council was filled. Bro. E. Groves, Bro. J. Hitchcock, Bro, G.M. Hinkle, Bro. Peter Whitmer, Jr., and Bro. E. Higby were appointed by unanimous vote.
13th – Attended a council in which the High council of K. was filled, and Bishop Whitney appointed a counselor, one of his having resigned. Vinson Knight was appointed.
15th – Met in Council again. Rules to regulate the House of the Lord were agreed upon. Carlos Smith was appointed president over the High Priests at K. Alva Beman pres. of the elders at K. Then Bishop W. proceeded to nominate pres. for the priests, teachers, and deacons. He then proceeded to ordain them. The different quorums volunteered to assist in being door keepers, and besides four others were appointed.
21st – Having previously worked once or twice, the presidency with Bishop Whitney and his counsel, myself and my counselors met for the purpose of being anointed with Holy oil. Meeting was opened by President Joseph Jr. in behalf of the Presidency, Bishop Whitney in behalf of himself and counselors, and myself in behalf of myself and counselors. Then the presidency proceeded to sanctify the oil, Bro. J. Smith Jr. first anointed his father pronouncing blessings upon him, then all the presidents, beginning at the oldest, rubbed their hand over his head and face which had been anointed. Then Bro. Joseph prayed to the Lord to accept of the anointing and all the presidency with right hand uplifted to heaven said amen. Father Smith then proceeded to take the lead and pour on the oil, then Bro. J followed and then in rotation as before described, prophesying on one another’s heads. After the presidents, Bishop Whitney and his counsel were anointed after the same manner, then myself and my counsel, then Bro. Barrish as scribe for the presidency. After this Hyrum Smith anointed Father Joseph Smith, who anointed the rest of the high counsel of Kirtland. Bro. David Whitmer anointed Bro. Simeon Carter., who anointed the high counsel from Zion. Hymns were sung and a number saw visions and others were blessed with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and we shouted Hosanna to the most high. The meeting was dismissed by Bro. J.S. conferring the benedictions of heaven upon us.
The 22nd – in the forenoon was taken up in telling the visions of the preceding evening. We met in the evening for the purpose of anointing the traveling high council, and the 7 Presidents of the 70. The Presidents of the church first consecrated the oil, they then proceeded to anoint Bro. Thomas B. Marsh as the oldest of the 12. Bro. Marsh then proceeded to anoint the 12, after which he anointed the Presidents of the 70. The Presidents of the Church anointed Bro. Carlos Smith as president of the high priests in Kirtland. Pres. J. S. Jr. requested Pres. Sidney Rigdon to ask the Lord to accept the performances of the evening, and instructed us, when he was done to shout Hosanna, blessed be the name of the most High God. These things were performed; the shout and speaking in unknown tongues lasted 10 or 15 minutes. During the evening, more especially at the time of shouting, a number saw visions as they declared unto us.
The 26th – Mr. J. Seixas, our Hebrew teacher, met with us for the first time, after about 4 or 5 days. He divided the class; I was taken into the first class. The priests, teachers, and deacons met 2 or 3 evenings, about the last of Jan., for the purpose of being anointed. Bishop Whitney and counsel and myself and my counsel met and anointed them. After the anointing was over each man asked the Lord to bless them and seal upon them the blessings that had been pronounced upon their heads by the bishops and their counselors. Bishop Whitney then asked the Lord to seal the blessings that had been pronounced upon the heads of his brethren. After he was through we shouted Hosanna 3 times, to God and the Lamb, amen, amen, amen.
The 6th evening all the quorums met and had all the blessings sealed by the Presidency of the Church; at the close of the ceremony we all shouted, agreeably to the above described order.
The 7th – was Sunday. My counsel and I spoke in the forenoon, Bishop Whitney and his counsel in the afternoon.
March 18th – I left the Hebrew school and went to Mr. Armstrong’s in Perry. I preached in the evening to a congregation of Methodists. Went to Mr. Lees the next day and stayed till Monday when I returned to Kirtland.
The 23rd – went to Cleveland, found my connexion tolerable well, next day returned to Kirtland.
Sunday the 27th – Met and dedicated the House of the Lord. President Rigdon preached in the forenoon. Pres. J. Smith Jr. made many remarks and delivered the dedication prayer. Met at 8 in the morning and dismissed at quarter after 4 in the afternoon. Met again in the evening, that is the authorities of the church. Many spoke in tongues, some saw visions, etc. Doct. F.G. Williams saw an angel, or rather the Savior during the forenoon service.
Tuesday the 29th – the 9 pres. the two bishops and their counsel met in the afternoon in the House of the Lord. We cleansed our hands and faces and feet after which we had our feet washed in the name of the Lord; this took till about dusk. We then partook of bread and wine a feast, we prophesied and spoke in tongues and shouted Hosannas. The meeting lasted till daylight.
The next day all the officers of the church met at 9 o’clock in the Lord’s house, the priests, teachers, and deacons in one corner, the veils having been let down, and the other officers occupied the rest of the lower room. The washing of feet was performed by noon, then they began to prophecy and speak in tongues adding shouts of Hosannas to God and the Lamb with amen and amen. This continued till dark when they partook of a feast of bread and wine. The meeting was kept up till morning, the shouts were omitted during the night.
Thursday the 31st, we met from 8 to 9 to accommodate those who could not get in at the Sunday dedication. The house was about filled and similar ceremonies performed that were performed on Sunday. This meeting rather surpassed the Sunday meeting both in length and goodness.
Wednesday the 6th we had a prayer meeting from 9 to 4.
Saturday the 9th we started for Mo., went as far as Chardon. It rained and tarried overnight with our brethren who went with us thus far.
10th we went 14 miles to our brethren in Parkman. Held a meeting in the evening.
The 11th we went 21 miles to Prices Mill in Newton. We went through Burton, Windham, Braceville, Newton Falls, to Prices Mills.
The 12th we went 12 miles to Ellsworth, thence 8 ½ to Salem and put up at Mr. Week’s Inn.
The 13th we went 10 miles to New Lisbon, then passed on 3 miles to Mr. Orr’s tavern.
The 14th we went 11 miles to Wellsville. We got on board the S. Boat Detroit at 3 o’clock P.M., at ½ past 4 we arrived at Steubenville, at dusk arrived at Wheeling. At 4 A.M. arrived at Marietta.
Friday the 15th we passed the mouth of the Big Kannaway, Point Pleasant, at 1 P.M. in 20 minutes move passed Gallapolis, in the course of the afternoon we passed a number of small villages, at 10 in the evening we arrived at Portsmouth at the junction of the Ohio canal and Ohio river.
The 16th morning we lay at Maysville taking in loading, left there at 8 and passed a number of villages, and arrived at Cincinnati about 2 P.M. Left C. about 6 P.M. and arrived at Louisville at 8 A.M.
On Sunday we engaged a passage on board the Bavt. Morris for St. Louis, Capt. Miller, and shifted our baggage immediately.
Monday the 18th at half past 3 P.M. we started for St. Louis.
Tuesday the 19th, we passed the mouth of the Wabash River at about 5 P.M.
Wednesday the 20th, we arrived at the junction of the O. & Mississippi at 8 A.M. We rode on the Ohio about 900 miles and by land to Wellsville, about 100 miles.
Friday the 22nd, we arrived at St. Louis at about 7 A.M. – no chance to go up so we stored our things and took a boarding house at supper at 50 cents per day.
Saturday the 23rd – I looked about the city, examined the mounds at the N end, and also examined the Roman Catholic Cathedral which is a large stone building, has a great deal of fancy work about it.
The 24th, Sunday, I went to the Roman Catholic meeting in the forenoon. A number of boats came in Saturday and Sunday , but none were going up the Mo.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, boats arrived from the Mo. River. When our week was up we quit our boarding house and went on board the S.B. Siam Capt. Massie.
Saturday 30th – at about half past 7 P.M. we started from St. Louis boat run all night and in the morn. May 1 we arrived at St. Charles, stayed an hour or so, and passed on.
Monday the 2nd – arrived at Portland in the morning. At 6 P.M. we passed the Osage mouth and at dusk arrived at Jefferson City.
Tuesday 3rd – in the morning arrived at Nashville, stopped sometime at this Rockport. We arrived at Boonville at 3 P.M. and tarried here and Franklin till 4 o’clock morning of the 4th; we then started and arrived at Arrow Rock at 7, arrived at Charlton about 11; went a little above Grand River and lay by.
Thursday the 5th we went to Lexington and Richmond landing and lay by for the night.
Friday the 6th passed Cambden about 7 A.M., arrived at Clay Co. Liberty landing about 3 P.M. Arrived at my family about 5 P.M. and found them well. I think I felt as thankful as ever I did in being permitted to again rejoin with my family.
After my arrival at home I spent a few days in attending to my own affairs; then, in company with Bro. W.W.. Phelps, I took a tour in looking at the country north. We found a mill seat on Shoal Creek about 35 miles N.I. of Liberty that suited us very well.
We went out again in Co. with Bro. Morley and Corrill, looked out some corners, and Bro. Corrill went and entered 7-80 acre lots. Bro. Phelps and Corrill soon after looked out and entered 13 more.
In the meantime I visited the church, and brethren that were coming in or had just arrived. We now made preparations to begin a settlement upon the new purchase; about this time a mob began to appear, and our suits were coming on, at Richmond on the 6th of July, which both together made us delay moving to the North.
On the 29th of June the people of Liberty held a meeting, and stepped, as they say, between the mob and us, they drew up a preamble and resolutions amounting to this: that we had taken refuge with them in our distress when driven from Jackson Co, that they treated us kindly at that time. That of late some had become hostile to us in consequence of the emigration to this Co., and the many stories that were afloat about us as a people, none of which did they pretend were true, but from the great excitement that prevailed, to escape a civil war, they proposed to us to stop the emigration to the Co. Immediately to have the late emigrants leave soon, those who had crops, and owned not 40 acres of land, to gather their crops and make preparations to leave as soon as consistent, and those who possessed 40 acres or more should be permitted to stay till they could dispose of their lands to good advantage if it should take years.
On the 30th, Brothers Morley, Corrill, Marsh, E. Higby, myself and a few others, met the committee appointed at the Liberty meeting.
We gave them to understand that we wanted peace and were willing to make sacrifices to keep it, if it were necessary.
July 1st – We, the elders of the church, a goodly number met and made out a preamble and resolutions amounting to this: that we would endeavor to comply with what they had said was the only this to save the Co from a civil war, that is we would leave the Co. agreeably to their advise.
Our proceedings were the next day laid before the adjourned meeting at liberty and appeared to be received with satisfaction.
The mob gradually died away and we had a measure of peace again. On the 8th the militia of Clay Co. were called to Liberty for the purpose of raising 200 men, either volunteers, or by draft, to reconnoiter along the wester line of the . . .
end of diary